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Final version of the pipeline for processing TOPMED and other dbGaP datasets, includes: automatic identification of reference genome build and selection of correct chain file, mapping to GRCh37 reference build, initial quality control, ancestry analysis, post-ancestry quality control, phasing, imputation, post-imputation quality control.

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A tool for imputation of genotype array datasets from dbGaP. The Genotype Imputation Pipeline consists of the following steps:

  1. Identify input genome build version outomatically
  2. Lift the input to build GRCh37 (hg19)
  3. Quality control 1: LD-based fix of strand flips, fix strand swaps, filter variants by missingness
  4. Split samples by ancestry
  5. Quality control 2: filter samples by missingness, filter variants by HWE
  6. Phase
  7. Impute


The pipeline was tested in garibaldi using the following required software and packages:

  • R v3.5.1
  • vcftools v0.1.14
  • PLINK v1.9
  • PLINK v2.00a3LM 64-bit Intel
  • samtools v1.9
  • GenotypeHarmonizer v1.4.20
  • Eagle v2.4
  • Minimac4
  • liftOver

If you are in garibaldi, you don't need to install these packages, and tools, they are either loaded by the job script, or executed from the required_tools directory included in this repository (see bellow).

A. Running all steps manually

Step 0: Check genome build and select chain file


  • N/A

Usage example

qsub 0_check_vcf_build.job -v  myinput=/path/to/vcf/genotype_array.vcf,myoutput=/path/to/output/0_check_vcf_build/genotype_array.BuildChecked,gz=yes


  • myinput is the full path to the input genotype array dataset in either vcf or vcf.gz format
  • myoutput is the full path to save the output of this step
  • gz (gz=yes or gz=no) is whether the input file is either vcf or vcf.gz format

The output file will have the sufix *.BuildChecked

Step 1: Lifeover input genotype array to GRCh37 build


  • N/A

Usage example

qsub 1_lift_vcfs_to_GRCh37.job -v myinput=/path/to/vcf/genotype_array.vcf,buildcheck=/path/to/output/0_check_vcf_build/genotype_array.BuildChecked,myoutdir=/path/to/output/1_lift,custom_temp=/my/temp/path/tmp

This step will lift the input to GRCh37 build using the *.BuildChecked file generated in the previous steo to select the correct chain file.


  • myinput is the same input file as step 0 (use full path)
  • buildcheck is the full path to *.BuildChecked file generated in previous step
  • myoutdir is path to the output folder (no file name should be used, just output folder name)
  • custom_temp (optional) set a different path to be used as temporary directory, recommended in case your input file is too large (more than 100GB).

The output file will have the suffix *.lifted_[old_build]_to_GRCh37.bed

Step 2: LD-based fix of strand flips, fix strand swaps and mismatching alleles, and initial quality control (90% missingnes per variant)


  • /mnt/stsi/stsi0/raqueld/1000G

Usage example

qsub 2_Genotype_Harmonizer.job -v myinput=/path/to/output/1_lift/genotype_array.lifted_NCBI36_to_GRCh37.bed,myoutdir=/path/to/output/2_GH,ref_path=/my/ref/path


  • myinput is the path to the *.lifted_[old_build]_to_GRCh37.bed file generated by step 1, in the example above the /path/to/vcf/genotype_array.vcf file was lifted to /path/to/output/1_lift/genotype_array.lifted_NCBI36_to_GRCh37.bed becase the input file was generated from NCBI36 reference build version.
  • myoutdir is path to the output folder (no file name should be used, just output folder name)
  • ref_path (optional) is your custom reference file path (just the folder path containing 1000 Genomes reference, no file name needed). WARNING: before using your custom reference, prepare the reference following this ste-by-step documentation: If no custom reference path is provided, this will be the default path: /mnt/stsi/stsi0/raqueld/1000G.

The output files will have the suffix *.lifted_[old_build]to_GRCh37.GH.bim, *.lifted[old_build]to_GRCh37.GH.fam, and *.lifted[old_build]_to_GRCh37.GH.bed.

Step 3: Estimate ancestry and split samples by ancestry


  • /mnt/stsi/stsi0/raqueld/1000G/ALL.merged.phase3_shapeit2_mvncall_integrated_v5a.20130502.genotypes.clean.vcf.gz

Usage example

qsub 3_ancestry_analysis.job -v myinput=/stsi/raqueld/2_GH/6800_JHS_all_chr_sampleID_c1.lifted_hg19_to_GRCh37.GH.bed,myoutdir=/stsi/raqueld/3_ancestry -N 3_6800_JHS_all_chr_sampleID_c1
  • myinput=/path/2_GH/inprefix.bed
    • with fam and bim files
  • myoutdir=/path/3_ancestry
    • inprefix.pruned.intersect1KG.vcf.gz
    • inprefix.pruned.intersect1KG.pop
    • inprefix.pruned.intersect1KG.5.Q.IDs
    • inprefix.ancestry-[ancestry_code].bed/fam/bim

Step 4: 2nd quality control


Usage example

qsub 4_split_QC2.job -v myinput=/gpfs/home/raqueld/mapping_MESA/mesa_genotypes-black.lifted_NCBI36_to_GRCh37.GH.bed,myoutdir=/stsi/raqueld/N_tests,hwe='',geno=0.1,mind=0.1 -N 4_N_mesa_genotypes-black
qsub 4_split_QC2.job -v myinput=/stsi/raqueld/3_ancestry/6800_JHS_all_chr_sampleID_c1/6800_JHS_all_chr_sampleID_c1.lifted_hg19_to_GRCh37.GH.ancestry-5.bed,myoutdir=/stsi/raqueld/4_split_QC2,hwe='',geno=0.1,mind=0.1 -N 4_6800_JHS_all_chr_sampleID_c1
  • myinput=/path/3_ancestry/inprefix.bed
  • myoutputdir=/path/4_split_QC2
  • hwe=0.1, geno=0.1, mind=0.1
    • set as '' to disable the flag.

The input file will be split by chromosome and test for missingness per variant, per sample or by Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium filtering.

Step 5: Phasing


  • /mnt/stsi/stsi0/raqueld/1000G/map/genetic_map_GRCh37_merged.txt.gz
  • /mnt/stsi/stsi0/raqueld/HRC/HRC.r1-1.EGA.GRCh37.chr$mychr.haplotypes.bcf
  • /mnt/stsi/stsi0/raqueld/1000G/ALL.chr$mychr.phase3_shapeit2_mvncall_integrated_v5a.20130502.genotypes.bcf
qsub 5_phase.job -v myinput=/stsi/raqueld/N_tests/aric_genotypes-black/aric_genotypes-black.lifted_NCBI36_to_GRCh37.GH.chr1.bed,myoutdir=/stsi/raqueld/5_N_tests,reftype=HRC -N 5_N_mesa_genotypes-black

the imput must have the suffix *.lifted*.chr1.bed, *lifted*.chr2.bed, *.lifted*.chr3.bed, etc. The previous steps in the pipeline generate those suffixes automatically, but keep these suffixes in mind if you are running this step as a stand alone tools, without running the previous steps

Step 6: Imputation and post-imputation quality control


  • /mnt/stsi/stsi0/raqueld/HRC/HRC.r1-1.EGA.GRCh37.chr$mychr.haplotypes.m3vcf.gz
  • /mnt/stsi/stsi0/raqueld/1000G/ALL.chr$mychr.phase3_shapeit2_mvncall_integrated_v5a.20130502.genotypes.m3vcf.gz
qsub 6_impute.job -v myinput=/stsi/raqueld/5_N_tests/mesa_genotypes-white/mesa_genotypes-white.lifted_NCBI36_to_GRCh37.GH.chr18.phased.vcf.gz,myoutdir=/stsi/raqueld/6_N_tests,reftype=HRC -N 6_mesa_genotypes-white.lifted_NCBI36_to_GRCh37.GH.chr18

if running this step as stand alone tool, input file must have the suffix .lifted_*.chr*.phased.vcf.gz, otherwise the pipeline wont work, if you use the previous step to generate this input file, then it will work fine. date

B. Running all steps automatically

This script will setup job dependencies and submit/monitore all the jobs for all the steps automatically.


 ##                                ##
 ##    Imputation / QC Pipeline    ##
 ##          Torkamani Lab         ##
 ##                                ##
 ##         Author: Raquel Dias    ##
 ##                 Shaun Chen     ##
 ##  Last modified: 12/27/19       ##
 ##                                ##

Usage:    bash --vcf --out --ref --start --end (--confirm) > LOG

      This script
          --vcf -v [STR]      Full path of the input vcf file to be QCed/imputed
          --out -o [STR]      Path of the directory where all the output folders will be created
          --ref -r [STR]      Imputation reference panel (HRC or 1000G)
          --start -s [INT]    First step
          --end -e [INT]      Last step
          --temp -t [STR]     (Optional) Enable larger temp storage in step2 (or use PBSTMPDIR scratch folder)
          --wgs -w            (Optional) Enable variant down-sampling in step3 for WGS/imputed data
          --confirm -c        (Optional) Initiate working mode
          LOG                 (Optional) Log report file name

Prepare input:  for chrom in {1..22}; do printf "${chrom}\t$(ls $(pwd)/[##inprefix##]*chr${chrom}.vcf.gz)\n"; done > [##inprefix##].txt

Debug Example:  bash --vcf /mnt/stsi/stsi0/raqueld/vcf/SHARE_MESA_c2_flipfix.vcf --out /mnt/stsi/stsi0/raqueld --ref HRC --start 0 --end 1 > MESA_jobs_c1_0-1.txt
Working Example:  bash --vcf /mnt/stsi/stsi0/raquel

Once you ran the script setting the run variable inside the script as --confirm, the script will save all the submited job commands and job IDs into a log file that you can use for debugging and locating your results.

Running job in parallel mode

Use the following command:

for chrom in {1..22}; do printf "${chrom}\t$(ls $(pwd)/[##inprefix##]*chr${chrom}.vcf.gz)\n"; done > [##inprefix##].txt

To prepare an txt input taken by --vcf as:

1	/mnt/stsi/stsi0/sfchen/UKBB/split_QC/ukbb_hap_v2_000/ukb_hap_v2_000_chr1.vcf.gz
2	/mnt/stsi/stsi0/sfchen/UKBB/split_QC/ukbb_hap_v2_000/ukb_hap_v2_000_chr2.vcf.gz
3	/mnt/stsi/stsi0/sfchen/UKBB/split_QC/ukbb_hap_v2_000/ukb_hap_v2_000_chr3.vcf.gz
4	/mnt/stsi/stsi0/sfchen/UKBB/split_QC/ukbb_hap_v2_000/ukb_hap_v2_000_chr4.vcf.gz
5	/mnt/stsi/stsi0/sfchen/UKBB/split_QC/ukbb_hap_v2_000/ukb_hap_v2_000_chr5.vcf.gz
6	/mnt/stsi/stsi0/sfchen/UKBB/split_QC/ukbb_hap_v2_000/ukb_hap_v2_000_chr6.vcf.gz
7	/mnt/stsi/stsi0/sfchen/UKBB/split_QC/ukbb_hap_v2_000/ukb_hap_v2_000_chr7.vcf.gz
8	/mnt/stsi/stsi0/sfchen/UKBB/split_QC/ukbb_hap_v2_000/ukb_hap_v2_000_chr8.vcf.gz
9	/mnt/stsi/stsi0/sfchen/UKBB/split_QC/ukbb_hap_v2_000/ukb_hap_v2_000_chr9.vcf.gz
10	/mnt/stsi/stsi0/sfchen/UKBB/split_QC/ukbb_hap_v2_000/ukb_hap_v2_000_chr10.vcf.gz
11	/mnt/stsi/stsi0/sfchen/UKBB/split_QC/ukbb_hap_v2_000/ukb_hap_v2_000_chr11.vcf.gz
12	/mnt/stsi/stsi0/sfchen/UKBB/split_QC/ukbb_hap_v2_000/ukb_hap_v2_000_chr12.vcf.gz
13	/mnt/stsi/stsi0/sfchen/UKBB/split_QC/ukbb_hap_v2_000/ukb_hap_v2_000_chr13.vcf.gz
14	/mnt/stsi/stsi0/sfchen/UKBB/split_QC/ukbb_hap_v2_000/ukb_hap_v2_000_chr14.vcf.gz
15	/mnt/stsi/stsi0/sfchen/UKBB/split_QC/ukbb_hap_v2_000/ukb_hap_v2_000_chr15.vcf.gz
16	/mnt/stsi/stsi0/sfchen/UKBB/split_QC/ukbb_hap_v2_000/ukb_hap_v2_000_chr16.vcf.gz
17	/mnt/stsi/stsi0/sfchen/UKBB/split_QC/ukbb_hap_v2_000/ukb_hap_v2_000_chr17.vcf.gz
18	/mnt/stsi/stsi0/sfchen/UKBB/split_QC/ukbb_hap_v2_000/ukb_hap_v2_000_chr18.vcf.gz
19	/mnt/stsi/stsi0/sfchen/UKBB/split_QC/ukbb_hap_v2_000/ukb_hap_v2_000_chr19.vcf.gz
20	/mnt/stsi/stsi0/sfchen/UKBB/split_QC/ukbb_hap_v2_000/ukb_hap_v2_000_chr20.vcf.gz
21	/mnt/stsi/stsi0/sfchen/UKBB/split_QC/ukbb_hap_v2_000/ukb_hap_v2_000_chr21.vcf.gz
22	/mnt/stsi/stsi0/sfchen/UKBB/split_QC/ukbb_hap_v2_000/ukb_hap_v2_000_chr22.vcf.gz

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Final version of the pipeline for processing TOPMED and other dbGaP datasets, includes: automatic identification of reference genome build and selection of correct chain file, mapping to GRCh37 reference build, initial quality control, ancestry analysis, post-ancestry quality control, phasing, imputation, post-imputation quality control.






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