Change Log#2
Changed code, added new pages. Full list is pushed.
CSS files has comments separating each set of code to their corresponding pages for easier navigation.
EDO files not being used, but still inclduing them just in case.
There are a few <--!commented out--> lines of code; again, just in case Josephine wants changes so I can easily revert back.
Image tweaks with placement.
In essence, this is the finished site. There will be further, smaller tweaks along the way, but this is the bulk of the work.
Added two more image folders: thumbnails and gallery pics.
So far, this is what we have.
Added EDO files. These can be placed in a separate folder, but for simplicity's sake, I have kept it in the same folder as the code.
Further changes: Josephine wanted to try a new background. White with gold ribbon does look good. Up to her in the end. Removed buttons visually. Code is still in the index file, but wrapped with comment tags for later use.
Did some minor size tweaking with images and placements.
Ribbon could use a refresh. I expect Josephine may design something new to be placed into the website as an image.
TK Entertainment logo is now just a stylized font, not an image. Makes things simplier, but Josephine may want something different in the end.