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Use template engines with Kitura

Vadim Eisenberg edited this page Sep 8, 2016 · 41 revisions

A template engine allows rendering of documents using static templates, by substituting template variables with actual values at runtime. This page explains how you can use template engines integrated with Kitura in your Kitura apps.

Supported template engines

Currently, Mustache and Stencil template engines are integrated with Kitura. However, Mustache is only supported on macOS and Stencil is only supported with snapshot DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-05-03-a.

Kitura template engines

Kitura template engines are classes that implement TemplateEngine protocol from Kitura-TemplateEngine package. Currently, two Kitura template engines exist:

  1. Kitura-MustacheTemplateEngine, supported on OS X only.
  2. Kitura-StencilTemplateEngine, supported with snapshot DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-05-03-a only.

You can provide your own Kitura template engine by implementing TemplateEngine protocol from Kitura-TemplateEngine package.

Add a template engine to your Kitura app

Kitura is a modular framework — it means that by default you get only basic HTTP functionality, like routing, handling parameters, parsing request body, etc. Apart from the basics, you only get the functionality you need by specifying additional packages in your Package.swift. So to use a template engine, you have to specify dependencies on the template engine(s) you want to use in your Package.swift, e.g:

.Package(url: "", majorVersion: 0, minor: 28)

Tip: If you generated your Xcode project previously, you have to regenerate it once you add a new dependency so Xcode will be aware of the added dependency.

Add your template files to your Kitura app

Template files are text files that follow the syntax of a template engine. Here is an example of a Mustache template, taken from GRMustache.swift.


Hello {{name}}
Your beard trimmer will arrive on {{format(date)}}.
Well, on {{format(realDate)}} because of a Martian attack.

GRMustache.swift uses an extended Mustache syntax, in particular Filters as format filter in the example above.

You should put your template files in a views directory which should be known to Kitura Router. By default, Kitura Router gets the template files from Views directory in the directory where Kitura runs. You can change the views directory per Router instance by setting Router.viewsPath variable.

Register a template engine with a Router instance

To use a template engine, you must register it with a Router instance. You do it by calling Router.add(templateEngine:) function, e.g.:

router.add(templateEngine: MustacheTemplateEngine())

You should import the package of the template engine:

import KituraMustache

Render a template

You can render a template by calling RouterResponse.render(_:context) function. Example code for the template above:

router.get("/trimmer") { _, response, next in
    defer {
    // the example from
    var context: [String: Any] = [
        "name": "Arthur",
        "date": NSDate(),
        "realDate": NSDate().addingTimeInterval(60*60*24*3),
        "late": true

    // Let template format dates with `{{format(...)}}`
    let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
    dateFormatter.dateStyle = .medium
    context["format"] = dateFormatter

    try response.render("document", context: context).end()

The following response is sent as a result:

Hello Arthur

Your beard trimmer will arrive on Sep 8, 2016.

Well, on Sep 11, 2016 because of a Martian attack.

Note how the context of the template is defined. The context contains values for Mustache tags name, date, realDate, late and for GRMustache.swift filter format.

Work with multiple template engines

You can use templates from multiple template engines in your Kitura app. Kitura Router will know which template engine to use with a particular template file by the extension of the file. E.g., the extension for Kitura-MustacheTemplateEngine is .mustache and for Kitura-StencilTemplateEngine is .stencil. (The extension of a template engine is defined by fileExtension property of TemplateEngine protocol)

Set the default template engine

You can set the default template engine for a Router instance in order to save specifying template file extensions of that template engine.

For example, after you set GRMustache.swift as the default template engine:

router.setDefault(templateEngine: MustacheTemplateEngine())

You can render document.mustache by specifying the name of the file without extension:

response.render("document", context: context).