Find nearest known location (GeoName) from gps position and add it to Iptc and Xmp image data.
I just wanted to populate my smartphone pictures with speaking names from the locations were the pictures were taken. Then after import into a photo manager the pictures are already tagged with location names. I know, there exist web services for GeoNames but I wanted to perform geo naming offline.
You need a python3 interpreter and some libs (sqlite3, pyexiv2, mod_spatialite). Download a country file from GeoNames that covers the region of your pictures.
gps2name <location.csv> <image_path>
location.csv is a country file containing locations and gps postions in csv format. Download your csv file from GeoNames and unzip it.
image_path is the directory with your image files (*.jpg). Please note that image file's metadata is changed inplace. Before starting the script make a backup of your images!
If the image file contains a gps position and a nearest location is found, the following tags will be created in the image's metadata:
- Iptc.Application2.Keywords
- Xmp.dc.subject
- Xmp.digiKam.TagsList