Packaged with this repository is a runner file bin/guessing_cli
The "bin" directory is short for "binary", which is another way of referrering to an executable file.
The executable "bin/guessing_cli" is a Ruby file, but the ".rb" extension has been left off. The ".rb" extension is not mandatory for Ruby files, it is just a nice thing to have for the purposes of identifying the type of the file. However, it is a convention to leave the file extension off of executable files, which comes from true binary files that contain pure machine code (1's and 0's) rather than human readable source code like Ruby.
Assuming you are in the root directory of the guessing_cli project, run your guessing_cli from the command line with ruby bin/guessing_cli
Alternatively, you can also just say bin/guessing_cli
since a line of
code has been added to the top of the bin/guessing_cli runner file that tells
your command line shell which program to run the file with.
So your run_guessing_game
method is going to be responsible for several things:
- Taking in input from the command line
- Comparing that input to a random number that has been generated
- Printing out a statement You guessed the correct number!
if the number has been guessed correctly, or The computer guessed <number>.
if the number has been guessed incorrectly
- Allowing the user to exit the program when exit
is the input
This is a challenging lab, so go through it slowly. Look at the RSpec test and see what the tests are looking for. Talk to each other and communicate your way through roadblocks.
Also, run ironboard
in order to run your tests!
The Curious Tale of Shrek
There was once an ogre who had no friends,
He lived out in the swamp for the longest __while__,
Living out his days in quiet contemplation,
He really didn't tolerate the presence of __rand__oms,
Until an annoying donkey once came along,
And started to __break__ his brain with madness.
- Learn to Program - 7.3 Looping, page 54
- Learn to Program - 5.3 The gets Method, page 36
- Learn to Program - 5.5 The chomp Method, page 36
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