Based on/Inspired by Scale Built RC's Roll-o-Meter of years past.
- Seeed Studio Xiao nRF52840 BLE Sense SBC
- 128*32 OLED Display with SSD1306 driver
- Active buzzer with active low digital input to trigger
- 3ea Discrete LEDs with 220 ohm current-limiting resistors
- 1ea Discrete SPST Momentary PB switch for user interaction
- DJI O3 HD Camera/VTX (if FPV'g, of course)
Arduino IDE: Arduino-2.3.x
Author: Tod Wulff (a.k.a. MegaHurtz/~MHz)
Date: 05 May 2024
Version: v1.1
- See video for early implementation: ~MHz Roll-o-Meter
- Folded in an arming app, with slight modifications, to enable use of a single Xiao SBC for both the inclinometer and the arming of a DJI O3 HD Camera/VTX. Simple #defs control using either or both of these on a given build.
- Scale Built RC's Roll-o-Meter - Thanks, brother! -
- ramiss's arduino_DJI_03_RC_ARM Sketch for arming the DJI O3 HD Camera/VTX
- <-- this
- plus a bunch of others for the OLED display (using u8g2 lib)
Adopted code to be easily navigable using Arduino IDE's code-folding:
I'm not a dev, but rather an old-arse script kiddie hack, so my Arduino/C++ coding style is not mature and, as evidenced in the code, malleable. It is what it is.
During the initial development efforts last week, I implemented LittleFS, imputing a temporary adoption of Mbed core use. I wanted to have a config file and then code a run-time config evolution, but it proved to be too little ROI for my simple use of the app. I didn't get any responses to a help request on the Arduino Discord. In the end, it proved easier to 'hard code' operational parameters as depicted in the preprocessor directives. I maintained the use of proper variables for these parameters in case I decide to revisit doing so.
Also, I had considered using a Neopixel LED or a DotStar LED, but the implications of doing so were distasteful ('cause I am lazy and the multiple libraries/config made me cringe), so I abandoned considering same.
If anyone wants to submit a PR that implements a config file, using LittleFS, or implements the use of Neopixel or DotStar LEDs, I'd welcome same.
If this ends up being used by anyone besides myself, out of pure curiosity, I would like to be made aware of this: MegaHurtz <at> engineer <dot> com or one can join and hang out on our AMA Club's Discord: GLSA Discord Invite Link
Thanks. Enjoy!