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@ToastyOfficial ToastyOfficial released this 08 Aug 18:10
· 21 commits to main since this release

OpenAI Assistant


Maintenance GitHub release (latest by date) GPLv3 License GitHub latest commit GitHub stars

An AI assistant powered by OpenAI ChatGPT4

  • Type to F.R.I.D.A.Y. and get typed responses
  • Talk to F.R.I.D.A.Y. and get verbal responses

Known Bugs

  • Calling ai whisper models on an M1 or M2 Mac CPU outputs an error every

Next Patch

  • Fully offline assistant
  • Basic action functions (windows)
  • Linux & MacOS documentation
  • Improved stabilty & permormance


1. First, clone the the repo to your machine.
2. Next, install Anaconda and run as administrator to install dependencies.
3. Then, install GPT4All desktop app & dwonload GPT4All Falcon wait until done to continue.


Install the GPT4All Library

python -m pip install gpt4all

Install the OpenAI Whisper Library

python -m pip install openai-whisper

Install the Speech Recognition Library

python -m pip install SpeechRecognition

Install the PlaySound Library

python -m pip install playsound

Install the PyAudio Library

python -m pip install PyAudio

Install the Sound File Library

python -m pip install soundfile

Install ffmpeg for Windows using Chocolatey

choco install ffmpeg

For MacOS Users

brew install portaudio

For Windows/Linux Users

python -m pip install pyttsx3


To use Friday you need to app your OpenAI API Key openai.api_key = "KEY_HERE"

The duration variable can be raised for more time to respond to the AI. Default is 2 seconds

def start_listening():
    with source as s:
        r.adjust_for_ambient_noise(s, duration=2)
        print('\nSay', wake_word, 'to get started. \n')

Got an issue? Submit a pull request or submit an issue!

Developed by Toasty | 614 eShop x Dawnstar