ascii-art-web is a webpage, that allows create ascii representation of input string
Clone the repository and run docker container
docker build . docker images
| | | | You will see | REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE | | table like this | cb45c286cf70 9 seconds ago 1GB | | and you need | asciiartwebdockerize latest 077f36111734 5 hours ago 1GB | | to copy IMAGE ID | golang latest f7d4f5578ce3 9 days ago 992MB | ||______________________________________________________|
docker run -p 8080:8080 {IMAGE ID} ## you can use any port before ':', paste the copied IMAGE ID instead {IMAGE ID}
go to
1.Write your input string
2.Choose one of the ascii-template
3.Press SUBMIT button
main.go Creates multiplexer and starts server on 8080 port. When the request reaches the server, a multiplexer will inspect the URL being requested and redirect the request to the correct handler fucntion
Handlers fucntions process requests. When the processing is complete, the handler passes the data to the template engine, which will use templates to generate HTML to be returned to the client.
@Tlep -