1. info-tracker by Syam Roy Kurian
Update submodule info-tracker/
to latest work by running
git subtree pull --prefix info-tracker/ https://github.com/Syam-Roy-Kurian/info-tracker.git main --squash
2. tinkerhub-event by Ramnath Shenoy B
Update submodule tinkerhub-event/
to latest work by running
git subtree pull --prefix tinkerhub-event/ https://github.com/bekalshenoy/tinkerhub-event.git main --squash
3. gigoapp by Shravan Sreedeep
Update submodule gigoapp/
to latest work by running
git subtree pull --prefix gigoapp/ https://github.com/ShravanSreedeep/gigoapp.git master --squash
4. TinkerHub-GCEK-Event-Portal by Aiswarya Saji
Update submodule tinkerhub-gcek-event-portal/
to latest work by running
git subtree pull --prefix tinkerhub-gcek-event-portal/ https://github.com/aiswaryasaji/TinkerHub-GCEK-Event-Portal.git master --squash
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