Performance Milestone Reached
1.3.40 (2020-10-02)
Bug Fixes
Settings Mode: selecting another Page pretends to change the actual page #237 (ae706ac )
Bug Fixes
Crash, when trying to select a note/channel in drivers mode (ac63e33 )
Regulate pixelToVal in Slider (bcb31cf )
Bug Fixes
Avoid returning empty divs (8038607 )
BUG - fit Slider range to entire Slider length #227 (da709bc )
Labelinput for page settings (76fbba9 )
Establish Multiselection Mode for Multi copy of elements (ac973c0 )
Bug Fixes
onDouble click distracting number input in settings (a6764f2 )
Bug Fixes
Crash on mobile devices without midi support (1f4bdd5 )
Bug Fixes
Setting to layout mode due to react-grid-layout update (3c15f17 )
Bug Fixes
CC init value when adding a slider (bb3578a )
Crash when changing button types (118298d )
Dialog Settings react duplication key warning (fe39e92 )
Input of note values for buttons (9b82b4e )
Download and Install
mac: Please, download the *.dmg File (can be seen on "assets" at the bottom here) and double click
win: Please, download the *.exe File (can be seen on "assets" at the bottom here) and double click
linux: Please, download the *.tar.gz File (can be seen on "assets" at the bottom here) and you know, what to do
You can’t perform that action at this time.