xAnalyzer x86x64
Some important features were added in this version, so be sure to check it out. Also a new API Definition File Scheme has been implemented hence you should delete the old folder and download the new one attached down below.
Changes xAnalyzer v2.4
- New and improved API definition files with a slightly modified scheme (13,000+ API’s from almost 200 DLL’s)
- Symbols recognition system for each API definition argument used (1000+ enums data types and 800+ flags)
- Recognition of params data types (BOOL, NUMERIC, NON-NUMERIC)
- VB "DllFunctionCall" stubs detection
- Strings passed as arguments are cleaner now (debugger comments now have the address part stripped)
- Execution Summary added to log window
- Hotkeys feature removed (will be incorporated in future revisions) due some conflicting with x64dbg
- Various bugs fixed