An extension to implement liquidfun into libgdx. Read the wiki to learn how to use this extension in your project.
You can also get some information or ask some questions in the badlogic forum.
- Import/merge of trunk version of libgdx gdx-box2d extension (1.7.2-SNAPSHOT) and Box2D (2.3.2)
- Build fix for IOS
- Structure refactoring for development in libgdx source
Clone project in libgdx extensions folder
cd $LIBGDX_SOURCE_ROOT/extensions
git clone
Edit build.xml to add gdx-liquidfun
<target name="gdx-liquidfun" depends="gdx-core">
<path id="classpath">
<pathelement location="${distDir}/gdx.jar"/>
<pathelement location="${distDir}/extensions/gdx-jnigen/gdx-jnigen.jar"/>
<ant antfile="../../../build-template.xml" dir="extensions/gdx-liquidfun/gdx-liquidfun">
<property name="distDir" value="${distDir}/extensions/gdx-liquidfun/"/>
<property name="jar" value="gdx-liquidfun"/>
<reference refid="classpath"/>
Native libraries can be rebuilt setting build-natives property in build.xml
<property name="build-natives" value="false"/>
Build all or directly
ant gdx-liquidfun
Based on finnstr guide here :
There is a missing step, core dependency must be added to Android too :
compile fileTree(dir: '../core/libs', include: '*.jar')
For IOS target, the native library libgdx-liquidfun.a must be added in robovm.xml :