"Simulated QUantim wIREs", a quantum circuit simulator for Java
This project is a work in progress; while I believe it to be functional within its limits, I have yet to devise more rigorous tests. The Javadocs so far have been primarily written (with some editing) by ChatGPT; please create an issue if you find a description that is confusing, incomplete, inaccurate, or outright incorrect.
I have not yet developed full documentation for this project; if you are interested in using this project as a library, please take a look at the test banks for the quantum circuit simulator here: src/squire/test/QuantumCircuitTests.java. These should show the basic gates needed to construct most simple circuits, as well as how to run the circuits. For a list of all gates included so far, please see the methods in the QuantumCircuitSimulator class.
Please leave comments, criticisms, and feature requests using the "Issues" tab of this repository. I can't improve this without your feedback!