Load up Zencoder (Service_Zencoder) through the ZF2 Service Locator.
- require in composer.json "thesisplanet/zencoder": "dev-master"
- add 'Zencoder' to your list of required modules in application.config.php
- Copy over vendor/thesisplanet/zencoder/config/zencoder.local.dist.php to config/autoload/zencoder.local.php
- Set correct api key in config/autoload/zencoder.local.php
To access Zencoder from a class which implements the ServiceLocatorAwareInterface
$zencoder = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('ThesisPlanet\ZencoderService');
This will return an instance of Services_Zencoder.
From there, you can interact with all of the Zencoder goodness as briefly documented at