This is a decompiled version for Zelda- Minish Cap Script Editor or better known as ZMCSEditor The purpose of the decompilation of the program is easy access for those who wanted to improve on the program or learn the underlying concept on how to make your own. I did not create nor write this program. All credits goes to Joapeer, from (
ZMCSEditor is a script editor for the game “The Legend of Zelda - Minish Cap” for Gameboy Advance, featuring the following functionalities:
Allows editing scripts without any limitations, since its pointers are automatically updated;
Live preview support, rendering a preview of text blocks whenever they’re focused. Useful for checking whether texts passed the bounds of the dialog box;
Compare with the reference ROM, where you can open both original and edited ROMs simultaneously, and see their differences. Useful for revisions;
Search and replace functionalities, in case you want to edit specific words globally;
UI miscellaneous customizations, such as customizing dialog box appearance and size, changing preview zoom levels, etc.
Works only for the american ROM “Legend of Zelda, The - The Minish Cap (USA)”, with CRC32 of ABCEBBB1.