This is a MATLAB function to sort all dicom files in a study directory regardless of folder structure or hierarchy. This flexible script is for sorting your dicoms faster than Trump's approval rating dropped, faster than a pro Genji and faster than Yngwie Malmsteen. It neither cares about all the other junk you have in your study directory, nor does it care about your organizational skills. It just goes in, sorts fast, so you can breathe easy.
Tired of arranging your subject folder into the right format? BAM, dicomSort that!
Tired of Horos or OsiriX messing up your study folder? BAM, dicomSort that!
Some PI lacks organizational skills? BAM, dicomSort that! MRI scanner gone rogue? BAM, dicomSort that!
Your PC is a toaster? BAM, dicomSort that!
Your chair is uncomfortable? BAM, dicomSort that!
Just broke up? BAM, dicomSort that! I dicomSort all day!
Sort your dicom life now, the dicomSort way.
dicomsort(input) dicomsort(input,output) dicomsort(__,Name,Value)
dicomSort(input) sorts all dicom files in a study regardless of folder hierarchy
dicomsort(input,'output',dir) sorts all dicom files in a subject folder and outputs them to a specified folder
dicomsort(__,Name,Value) uses additional name-value pairs to customize sorting
'output' --> output path Define an output directory for sorting Type: char | string
'preserve' --> true (default) | false Specifies whether to preserve original files or directories. Setting to true deletes all original files Type: logical
'compression' --> type of compression Specify if compression applied on old files. Recommended if preserve is set to 'false' to prevent loss of data Options: 'none' (default), 'zip', 'tar', 'gzip' Type: char | string
'prefix' --> prefix before subject String to attach prior to subject name during creation of subject folder Type: char | string
'suffix' --> suffix after subject String to attach after subject name during creation of subject folder
dicomsort('~/example_study/data'); Sort all dicom files in ~/example_study/data
Sort all dicom files in ~/example_study/data and output sorted data
into ~/example_study/sorted
Sort all dicom files in ~/example_study/data and output sorted data
into ~/example_study/sorted, whilst tar compressing original data
directory hierarchy and removing original files