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v3.9 dev. progress
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
Changed player name label color when viewing stats loaded from a file.
Also preparing for upgrading to MCBS v3 files.
  • Loading branch information
TheCSDev committed Feb 18, 2024
1 parent f0fd587 commit f8d4881
Show file tree
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Showing 9 changed files with 1,260 additions and 1,026 deletions.

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@

import static io.github.thecsdev.tcdcommons.api.util.TextUtils.literal;

import java.util.UUID;

import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;

import com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile;

import io.github.thecsdev.betterstats.api.util.stats.SUItemStat;
import io.github.thecsdev.betterstats.api.util.stats.SUMobStat;
import io.github.thecsdev.betterstats.api.util.stats.SUPlayerBadgeStat;
import io.github.thecsdev.tcdcommons.api.util.exceptions.UnsupportedFileVersionException;
import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.entity.EntityType;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.registry.Registries;
import net.minecraft.stat.Stat;
import net.minecraft.stat.Stats;
import net.minecraft.text.Text;
import net.minecraft.util.Identifier;

* A class containing {@link StatsProviderIO} logic for file version 2.
* @apiNote Used for backwards-compatibility. Internal use only!
public final @Deprecated class StatsProviderIO_fv2
// ==================================================
public static final int FILE_VERSION = 2; //Must always be 2
// ==================================================
static final void write_fileChunks(PacketByteBuf buffer_file, IStatsProvider statsProvider)
//write chunks
write_fileChunk("metadata", buffer_file, statsProvider);
write_fileChunk("general", buffer_file, statsProvider);
write_fileChunk("item", buffer_file, statsProvider);
write_fileChunk("mob", buffer_file, statsProvider);
write_fileChunk("player_badge", buffer_file, statsProvider);
// --------------------------------------------------
private static final void write_fileChunk(String chunkId, PacketByteBuf buffer_file, IStatsProvider statsProvider)
//create a buffer for the chunk, and write the chunk ID to it
PacketByteBuf buffer_chunk = new PacketByteBuf(Unpooled.buffer());

//obtain and write chunk data to the chunk buffer
case "metadata": write_fileChunk_meta(buffer_chunk, statsProvider); break;
case "general": write_fileChunk_general(buffer_chunk, statsProvider); break;
case "item": write_fileChunk_item(buffer_chunk, statsProvider); break;
case "mob": write_fileChunk_mob(buffer_chunk, statsProvider); break;
case "player_badge": write_fileChunk_playerBadge(buffer_chunk, statsProvider); break;
default: break;

//write the chunk data buffer to the file buffer

private static final void write_fileChunk_meta(PacketByteBuf buffer_chunk, IStatsProvider statsProvider)
//write display name
@Nullable Text displayName = statsProvider.getDisplayName();
if(displayName == null) displayName = literal("-");

//write game profile
writeGameProfile(buffer_chunk, statsProvider.getGameProfile());

private static final void write_fileChunk_general(PacketByteBuf buffer_chunk, IStatsProvider statsProvider)
//NOTE: Generally, this part is highly confusing, not only because "general stats" are referred to as
// "custom stats" internally, but also because here the stats are being stored in accordance
// to their REGISTRY Identifier-s, and NOT the Stat<Identifier> Identifier-s.
// Aka, the Registry holding custom stats is a Map of Identifier-s, whose keys are also Identifier-s.
// Here, the stats are stored in accordance to the Registry aka Map KEYS, NOT VALUES!

//obtain a map of the general stats, that maps the stats based on their identifier's namespaces,
//aka group based on the "mod id" of the mod they belong to
final var customStats = Lists.newArrayList(Registries.CUSTOM_STAT.iterator());
final var customStatsMap =
.filter(stat -> Registries.CUSTOM_STAT.getId(stat) != null) //ignore incompatibilities and unregistered stats
.filter(stat -> statsProvider.getStatValue(Stats.CUSTOM.getOrCreateStat(stat)) != 0)
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(stat -> Registries.CUSTOM_STAT.getId(stat).getNamespace()));

//iterate groups, obtain and write their data
for(final var entry : customStatsMap.entrySet())
//obtain the group id and its stats
final var groupModId = entry.getKey();
final var groupStats = entry.getValue();

//write the group id and its length
buffer_chunk.writeString(groupModId); //write group id
buffer_chunk.writeVarInt(groupStats.size()); //write group length

//write group entries [Identifier-path, VarInt-value]
for(final Identifier customStatAsIdentifier : groupStats)
//obtain the custom stat and its value
final Stat<Identifier> customStat = Stats.CUSTOM.getOrCreateStat(customStatAsIdentifier);
final int customStatValue = statsProvider.getStatValue(customStat);

//write the custom stat registry id path and its value

private static final void write_fileChunk_item(PacketByteBuf buffer_chunk, IStatsProvider statsProvider)
//obtain a map of item stats
final var stats = SUItemStat.getItemStatsByModGroups(statsProvider, stat -> !stat.isEmpty());

//iterate groups, and write their data
for(final var entry : stats.entrySet())
//obtain the group id and its stats
final var groupModId = entry.getKey();
final var groupStats = entry.getValue();

//write the group id and its length

//write group entries
for(final var stat : groupStats)

private static final void write_fileChunk_mob(PacketByteBuf buffer_chunk, IStatsProvider statsProvider)
//obtain a map of mod stats
final var stats = SUMobStat.getMobStatsByModGroups(statsProvider, stat -> !stat.isEmpty());

//iterate groups, and write their data
for(final var entry : stats.entrySet())
//obtain the group id and its stats
final var groupModId = entry.getKey();
final var groupStats = entry.getValue();

//write the group id and its length

//write group entries
for(final var stat : groupStats)

private static final void write_fileChunk_playerBadge(PacketByteBuf buffer_chunk, IStatsProvider statsProvider)
//obtain a map of mod stats
final var stats = SUPlayerBadgeStat.getPlayerBadgeStatsByModGroups(statsProvider, stat -> !stat.isEmpty());

//iterate groups, and write their data
for(final var entry : stats.entrySet())
//obtain the group id and its stats
final var groupModId = entry.getKey();
final var groupStats = entry.getValue();

//write the group id and its length

//write group entries
for(final var stat : groupStats)
// ==================================================
static final void read_fileChunks(PacketByteBuf buffer_file, IEditableStatsProvider statsProvider)
throws IllegalHeaderException, UnsupportedFileVersionException
//read chunks
while(buffer_file.readableBytes() > 0)
//read next chunk's size, and check it
final int chunkSize = buffer_file.readIntLE();
if(buffer_file.readableBytes() < chunkSize)
throw new IllegalHeaderException(
"chunk size >= " + chunkSize,
"chunk size == " + buffer_file.readableBytes());

//read the chunk data
//(creates a view of the original buffer, so it doesn't have to be released separately)
final var buffer_chunk = new PacketByteBuf(buffer_file.readSlice(chunkSize));
final var chunkId = buffer_chunk.readString();
case "metadata": read_fileChunk_meta(buffer_chunk, statsProvider); break;
case "general": read_fileChunk_general(buffer_chunk, statsProvider); break;
case "item": read_fileChunk_item(buffer_chunk, statsProvider); break;
case "mob": read_fileChunk_mob(buffer_chunk, statsProvider); break;
case "player_badge": read_fileChunk_playerBadge(buffer_chunk, statsProvider); break;
default: break;
// --------------------------------------------------
private static final void read_fileChunk_meta(PacketByteBuf buffer_chunk, IEditableStatsProvider statsProvider)
//read display name
final Text displayName = buffer_chunk.readText();

//read game profile
if(buffer_chunk.readableBytes() < 2) return; //compatibility with alpha files
final @Nullable GameProfile gameProfile = readGameProfile(buffer_chunk);

private static final void read_fileChunk_general(PacketByteBuf buffer_chunk, IEditableStatsProvider statsProvider)
while(buffer_chunk.readableBytes() > 0)
//read the next mod id and how many entries it has
final String modId = buffer_chunk.readString();
final int entryCount = buffer_chunk.readVarInt();

//read all entries for the corresponding mod id
for(int i = 0; i < entryCount; i++)
//read custom stat data
final String customStatIdPath = buffer_chunk.readString();
final int customStatValue = buffer_chunk.readVarInt();

//obtain custom stat, and sore its value
//comment: the fact that the stat itself and its key are both Identifier-s always confuses me
final Identifier customStatId = new Identifier(modId, customStatIdPath);
final Identifier customStat = Registries.CUSTOM_STAT.get(customStatId);
if(customStat == null) continue; //for now, unknown modded stats are ignored

//set stat value
statsProvider.setStatValue(Stats.CUSTOM.getOrCreateStat(customStat), customStatValue);

private static final void read_fileChunk_item(PacketByteBuf buffer_chunk, IEditableStatsProvider statsProvider)
while(buffer_chunk.readableBytes() > 0)
//read the next mod id and how many entries it has
final String modId = buffer_chunk.readString();
final int entryCount = buffer_chunk.readVarInt();

//read all entries for the corresponding mod id
for(int i = 0; i < entryCount; i++)
//read item stat data
final String itemIdPath = buffer_chunk.readString();
final int mined = buffer_chunk.readVarInt(),
crafted = buffer_chunk.readVarInt(),
used = buffer_chunk.readVarInt(),
broken = buffer_chunk.readVarInt(),
pickedUp = buffer_chunk.readVarInt(),
dropped = buffer_chunk.readVarInt();

//obtain item, and store its stats
final Identifier itemId = new Identifier(modId, itemIdPath);
final @Nullable Item item = Registries.ITEM.get(itemId);
final @Nullable Block block = (item != null) ? Block.getBlockFromItem(item) : null;

if(item == null) continue; //for now, unknown modded stats are ignored
if(block != null) statsProvider.setStatValue(Stats.MINED, block, mined);
statsProvider.setStatValue(Stats.CRAFTED, item, crafted);
statsProvider.setStatValue(Stats.USED, item, used);
statsProvider.setStatValue(Stats.BROKEN, item, broken);
statsProvider.setStatValue(Stats.PICKED_UP, item, pickedUp);
statsProvider.setStatValue(Stats.DROPPED, item, dropped);

private static final void read_fileChunk_mob(PacketByteBuf buffer_chunk, IEditableStatsProvider statsProvider)
while(buffer_chunk.readableBytes() > 0)
//read the next mod id and how many entries it has
final String modId = buffer_chunk.readString();
final int entryCount = buffer_chunk.readVarInt();

//read all entries for the corresponding mod id
for(int i = 0; i < entryCount; i++)
//read mob stat data
final String mobIdPath = buffer_chunk.readString();
final int kills = buffer_chunk.readVarInt();
final int deaths = buffer_chunk.readVarInt();

//obtain mob, and store its stats
final Identifier mobId = new Identifier(modId, mobIdPath);
final @Nullable EntityType<?> entityType = Registries.ENTITY_TYPE.get(mobId);

if(entityType == null) continue; //for now, unknown modded stats are ignored
statsProvider.setStatValue(Stats.KILLED, entityType, kills);
statsProvider.setStatValue(Stats.KILLED_BY, entityType, deaths);

private static final void read_fileChunk_playerBadge(PacketByteBuf buffer_chunk, IEditableStatsProvider statsProvider)
while(buffer_chunk.readableBytes() > 0)
//read the next mod id and how many entries it has
final String modId = buffer_chunk.readString();
final int entryCount = buffer_chunk.readVarInt();

//read all entries for the corresponding mod id
for(int i = 0; i < entryCount; i++)
//read player badge stat data
final String playerBadgeIdPath = buffer_chunk.readString();
final int value = buffer_chunk.readVarInt();

//obtain mob, and store its stats
final Identifier playerBadgeId = new Identifier(modId, playerBadgeIdPath);
statsProvider.setPlayerBadgeValue(playerBadgeId, value);
// ==================================================
private static final void writeGameProfile(PacketByteBuf buffer, @Nullable GameProfile gameProfile)
//if game profile is null, write false for all fields
if(gameProfile == null)

//obtain game profile info
final var uuid = gameProfile.getId();
final var name = gameProfile.getName();

// - first UUID
if(uuid != null) { buffer.writeBoolean(true); buffer.writeUuid(uuid); }
else buffer.writeBoolean(false);
// - then name
if(name != null) { buffer.writeBoolean(true); buffer.writeString(name); }
else buffer.writeBoolean(false);

private static final @Nullable GameProfile readGameProfile(PacketByteBuf buffer)
//first UUID
final UUID uuid = buffer.readBoolean() ? buffer.readUuid() : null;
//then name
final String name = buffer.readBoolean() ? buffer.readString() : null;

//construct the game profile
if(name == null && uuid == null) return null;
else return new GameProfile(uuid, name);
// ==================================================

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