This is a Goanimate Legacy Video Maker Remake built in Node.js
If you want too edit the Asset Server, then click here.
Run the start.bat to start. For macos run
- make a account
- make a node.js evennode
- open terminal and run this command
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "[email protected]"
- go on the folder you saved it in and open the .PUB file
- Copy everything inside the file
- go on evennode, click account settings and paste the file on the public keys for git box and click save.
- go back to your evennode app and go on the info tab
- copy the Repository in Git deployment tab.
- open cmd again and do cd desktop then git clone PASTEREPOHERE
- get your lvm clone and copy all the files and paste it in the repo folder on your desktop with random letters.
- go on cmd AGAIN and cd to the folder directory
- download github desktop at
- commit the changes and publish branch
if you want to host it on your own pc then simply clone or download this repo. Then open cmd then cd to the folder then do npm install the npm start
- make a account
- go to dashboard heroku
- go to (
- connect to github
- click to deploy it
- And Boom i'm got Wrapper Online on Heroku