If you are here, you are probably wondering who Olawanle Akinbowale Temitayo is;
Temitayo is a final-year University of Lagos student studying Chemical and Petroleum Engineering.
An enthusiastic and result-driven individual with an intense yearning to learn. Excellent organization, presentation, and time management skills in effectively communicating with people and paying attention to details. He has demonstrated integrity, teamwork, dexterity, and leadership skills to effectively work in a professional setting with a proven ability to be strategic, and tactical and engage in critical thinking in complex problem solving.
🔭 I’m currently looking for Jobs.
🌱 I’m currently learning Backend development, I'm also profound in JavaScript, Typescript, and Frameworks like React/Next.js and also Redux/Redux Toolkit (State Management and Reducers)
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Fullstack web development and Open-Source Projects
🤔 I’m seeking help with nice web animations with GSAP, framer-motion, etc.
💬 Ask me about Frontend Web Development.
📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
😄 Pronouns: he / his
⚡ Fun fact: I love watching anime.