Release 11.0.6 (last non ELTS release)
TYPO3 9 LTS reached the ELTS stage: free community support for TYPO3 9 LTS ended on 30 sept. 2021.
We'll join the TYPO3s ELTS regiment and provide EXT:solr support for TYPO3 9 ELTS upwardly via our EB program.
Therefore the EXT:solr release-11.0.x will not be maintained in TYPO3-Solr/ext-solr repository any more. The maintenance and builds will be moved to other place.
The new EXT:solr 11.0.6+ for TYPO3 9 ELTS versions will be provided via dkds EB program.
This is a bugfix-only release that contains:
- [BUGFIX:BP:11-0] Respect TCA setting of 'tstamp' field (#3037)
- [BUGFIX:BP:11.0] Update SolrNotAvailable.html (#3020)
- [BUGFIX] Recursive constants (#3048)
- [BUGFIX] Follow up to recursive constants (#3058)
- [BUGFIX:BP:11.0] Don't use jQuery.ajaxSetup (#2503)
- [TASK:11.0] Replace mirrors for Apache Solr binaries on (#3094)
How to Get Involved
There are many ways to get involved with Apache Solr for TYPO3:
Submit bug reports and feature requests on GitHub
Ask or help or answer questions in our Slack channel
Provide patches through Pull Request or review and comment on existing Pull Requests
Go to or call dkd to sponsor the ongoing development of Apache Solr for TYPO3
Support us by becoming an EB partner:
or call:
+49 (0)69 - 2475218 0