Apps allowing to send monthly status emails to cloud customers. This is a internal apps.
All the messages sent to the users are located inside lib/Service/MessageProvider.php
To overwrite then for internal usage, you need to create a new class inheriting from the
MessageProvider and then overwrite any methods with your own messages.
You can then edit your config.php to tell this app to use your MessageProvider instead.
'status-email-message-provider' => '\OCA\MyCustomApp\MyMessageProvider',
This app will try to spread out as much as possible the amount of mails sent at the same
time and will send them per batch each hour with a maximum of 1000 per hour. This limits
can be changed with the status-email-max-mail-sent
in app config:
php occ config:app:set monthly_status_email status-email-max-mail-sent --value=2500
By default users will get initial mail when they log in for the first time. This can be disabled through the following switch in config.php:
'status-email-send-first-login-mail' => true
This project is licensed under AGPL-3.0-or-later.