tceq_cch_facilities.csv - This file should already be in your folder if you've cloned this repository. These are the permit-seeking facility addresses that we previously geocoded with Geocod.io, and manually verified with Google Maps.
tl_2020_48_tabblock20 - This is a folder containing a shapefile of all 2020 Texas Census Block boundaries. This file and the files in the next folder are too large to keep on GitHub! Find this file here, download it, and unzip it inside the input folder.
tx2020.pl - This is a folder containing all of the 2020 Census Redistricting Data released in legacy format on Aug. 16, 2021. Download the folder here, and unzip it in the input folder.
This script produces the data layers in this ArcGIS Online map
This script is a work in progress that attempts to recreate the data layers in analysis-acs-block-groups.R at the block level, instead of the block group level.