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Polar GDBs

KG edited this page Jul 23, 2023 · 6 revisions


Section Subsection Section Offset Length Type Description Notes
Data Length 0 2 Integer Two less than the length of the GDB
Mode Id 3 1 Integer The mode ID for the GDB
  • Always 0x20
Mode Flags 4 1 GraphMode The flags for the mode settings
  • Dot/Connected, Simul/Sequential, GridOn/Line/Dot/Off, PolarGC/RectGC, CoordOn/Off, AxesOff/On, and LabelOn/Off
Extended Mode Flags 6 1 GraphMode The flags for the extended mode settings
  • ExprOn/Off
Xmin 7 9 TIReal The X-coordinate of the left edge of the graphscreen
Xmax 16 9 TIReal The X-coordinate of the right edge of the graphscreen
Xscl 25 9 TIReal The separation between ticks on the X-axis
Ymin 34 9 TIReal the Y-coordinate of the bottom edge of the graphscreen
Ymax 43 9 TIReal The Y-coordinate of the top edge of the graphscreen
Yscl 52 9 TIReal The separation between ticks on the Y-axis
θmin 61 9 TIReal The initial angle
θmax 70 9 TIReal The final angle
θstep 79 9 TIReal The angle increment
r1 94 ... TIGraphedEquation The 1st equation in polar mode
r1 ... ... TIGraphedEquation The 2nd equation in polar mode
r3 ... ... TIGraphedEquation The 3rd equation in polar mode
r4 ... ... TIGraphedEquation The 4th equation in polar mode
r5 ... ... TIGraphedEquation The 5th equation in polar mode
r6 ... ... TIGraphedEquation The 6th equation in polar mode


Section Subsection Section Offset Length Type Description Notes
Data Length 0 2 Integer Two less than the length of the GDB
Mode Id 3 1 Integer The mode ID for the GDB
  • Always 0x20
Mode Flags 4 1 GraphMode The flags for the mode settings
  • Dot/Connected, Simul/Sequential, GridOn/Line/Dot/Off, PolarGC/RectGC, CoordOn/Off, AxesOff/On, and LabelOn/Off
Extended Mode Flags 6 1 GraphMode The flags for the extended mode settings
  • ExprOn/Off
Xmin 7 9 TIReal The X-coordinate of the left edge of the graphscreen
Xmax 16 9 TIReal The X-coordinate of the right edge of the graphscreen
Xscl 25 9 TIReal The separation between ticks on the X-axis
Ymin 34 9 TIReal The Y-coordinate of the bottom edge of the graphscreen
Ymax 43 9 TIReal The Y-coordinate of the top edge of the graphscreen
Yscl 52 9 TIReal The separation between ticks on the Y-axis
θmin 61 9 TIReal The initial angle
θmax 70 9 TIReal The final angle
θstep 79 9 TIReal The angle increment
r1 94 ... TIGraphedEquation The 1st equation in polar mode
r1 ... ... TIGraphedEquation The 2nd equation in polar mode
r3 ... ... TIGraphedEquation The 3rd equation in polar mode
r4 ... ... TIGraphedEquation The 4th equation in polar mode
r5 ... ... TIGraphedEquation The 5th equation in polar mode
r6 ... ... TIGraphedEquation The 6th equation in polar mode
Color Magic -14 3 String Magic to identify the GDB as color-oriented
  • Always set to 84C
Grid Color -5 1 GraphColor The color of the grid
Axes Color -4 1 GraphColor The color of the axes
Global Line Style -3 1 GlobalLineStyle The line style for all plotted equations
Border Color -2 1 BorderColor The color of the graph border
Color Mode Flags -1 1 GraphMode The flags for extended color mode settings
  • DetectAsymptotesOn/Off
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