This is a simple project to use a browser to control power and content of the screens. A screen shows a webpage with some buttons. Clicking one of the buttons calls an API Endpoint to change the channel on other screen(s).
The content is played from the internal storage of the screen, so there is no need to run a separate webserver.
WARNING Be aware that in this code, the credentials are visible to everyone who has access to the browser running the page! Provided as is - Please audit the code before using it.
- MagicINFO Server (reachable from the screen)
- Samsung devices connected to the MagicINFO Server
- Schedule with 2(+) channels to switch
clone this repo to your local workspace
git clone
Add or remove items (buttons)
Change images (to be placed in /img folder)
The following variables have to be defined:
const cred = {}; //add your MagicINFO credentials here in format {username:"cc", password:"xx"}
const apiURL = "https://<YourSERVER>/MagicInfo/auth"; //add your MI API URL here
const apiURLChannelChange = "https://<YourSERVER>/MagicInfo/restapi/v2.0/rms/devices/quick-control"
//devices and settings
const devicesId = []; // Add device ID's in form ['deviceId1', 'deviceId2', ....]
const channelQSR = 3;
const channelFashion = 2;
const channelCorporate = 1;
variable | default value | description |
cred | {} |
add your MagicINFO credentials here in format {username:"cc", password:"xx"} |
apiURL | "" |
add your MI API URL here in format https://<YourSERVER><YOURPORT>/MagicInfo/auth replacing the <> part |
apiURLChannelChange | "" |
https://<YourSERVER><YOURPORT>/MagicInfo/restapi/v2.0/rms/devices/quick-control replacing the <> part |
devicesId | [] |
Add device ID's in format ['deviceId1', 'deviceId2', ....] |
channelQSR / channelFashion / ChannelCorporate | 1 / 2 / 3 |
Channel number based on your Schedule |
- Once ready, package the content of the schowroomController folder (only the content, incl. /img folder) to a .zip file.
- Upload the zip as web content to MagicINFO
- Publish to the screen