Toxic bot project
It's a small personal project for my Discord server between friends. I develop it little by little by adding functionalities from time to time. It is currently a mainly French bot, I will vary the toxic messages in order to be able to translate them at will.
- User leveling
- User wallet
- Leaderboard
- Mini games
- Role attribution
- Game news
- "profil", "profil [@user]"
- "help"
- "commands"
- "showLevels", "showLevels [page]"
- "leaderboard", "leaderboard [page]"
- "richmeter", "richmeter [page]"
- "ping", "pong"
- "calc", "calc [@user]", "calc [@user] [bet]"
- "send [channel] [msg]"
- "give [@user] [ammount]"