The goal of dcatapchr is to create a metadata catalog compatible with the DCAT-AP CH standard.
Basically, a catalog consists of one or more datasets, and each dataset has one or more distributions (see and
You can install the development version of dcatapchr like so:
Or from the
install.packages("dcatapchr", repos = "")
In the example below, a catalog is created with a dataset with 3 distributions.
# Create the metadata of a dataset with 3 distributions
# First create the 3 distributions
distributions <- c(
issued = dct_issued("2021-10-14"),
access_url = dcat_accessURL(
license = dct_license2(
issued = dct_issued("2021-10-14"),
access_url = dcat_accessURL(
license = dct_license2(
issued = dct_issued("2021-10-14"),
access_url = dcat_accessURL(
licence = dct_license2(
#> [1] "<dcat:distribution>"
#> [2] " <dcat:Distribution>"
#> [3] " <dct:issued rdf:datatype=\"\">2021-10-14T00:00:00</dct:issued>"
#> [4] " <dcat:accessURL rdf:resource=\"\" />"
#> [5] " <dct:license>NonCommercialAllowed-CommercialAllowed-ReferenceRequired</dct:license>"
#> [6] " </dcat:Distribution>"
#> [7] "</dcat:distribution>"
#> [8] "<dcat:distribution>"
#> [9] " <dcat:Distribution>"
#> [10] " <dct:issued rdf:datatype=\"\">2021-10-14T00:00:00</dct:issued>"
#> [11] " <dcat:accessURL rdf:resource=\"\" />"
#> [12] " <dct:license>NonCommercialAllowed-CommercialAllowed-ReferenceRequired</dct:license>"
#> [13] " </dcat:Distribution>"
#> [14] "</dcat:distribution>"
#> [15] "<dcat:distribution>"
#> [16] " <dcat:Distribution>"
#> [17] " <dct:issued rdf:datatype=\"\">2021-10-14T00:00:00</dct:issued>"
#> [18] " <dcat:accessURL rdf:resource=\"\" />"
#> [19] " <dct:license>NonCommercialAllowed-CommercialAllowed-ReferenceNotRequired</dct:license>"
#> [20] " <dct:license>NonCommercialAllowed-CommercialAllowed-ReferenceRequired</dct:license>"
#> [21] " </dcat:Distribution>"
#> [22] "</dcat:distribution>"
# Then create the dataset with the 3 distributions created above
description <- readLines(
"cubi_POL_01_INFORMAZIONI.txt", package = "dcatapchr"
), encoding = "UTF-8"
description <- strwrap(description, width = 80)
description <- paste(description, collapse = "\n")
# Substitute & with & in urls
description <- gsub("&", "&", description, fixed = TRUE)
dataset <- dcat_dataset(
title = dct_title(
title = "Partecipazione alle elezioni del Consiglio di Stato, per comune, in Ticino, dal 1921 al 2011",
language = "it"
description = dct_description(
description = description,
language = "it"
publisher = dct_publisher(publisher = "", foaf_name = "Ustat"),
contactPoint = dcat_contactPoint(),
identifier = dct_identifier(),
distribution = distributions
# dataset
# And finally put the dataset in a catalog
catalog <- dcat_catalog(
catalog_endpoint = "",
datasets = dataset
head(catalog, n = 15)
#> [1] "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>"
#> [2] "<rdf:RDF "
#> [3] " xmlns:foaf=\"\""
#> [4] " xmlns:rdfs=\"\""
#> [5] " xmlns:hydra=\"\""
#> [6] " xmlns:rdf=\"\""
#> [7] " xmlns:dcat=\"\""
#> [8] " xmlns:dct=\"\""
#> [9] " xmlns:vcard=\"\""
#> [10] " xmlns:xsd=\"\""
#> [11] " xmlns:schema=\"\""
#> [12] ">"
#> [13] " <dcat:Catalog rdf:about=\"\">"
#> [14] " <dcat:dataset>"
#> [15] " <dcat:Dataset>"
tail(catalog, n = 20)
#> [1] " </dcat:distribution>"
#> [2] " <dcat:distribution>"
#> [3] " <dcat:Distribution>"
#> [4] " <dct:issued rdf:datatype=\"\">2021-10-14T00:00:00</dct:issued>"
#> [5] " <dcat:accessURL rdf:resource=\"\" />"
#> [6] " <dct:license>NonCommercialAllowed-CommercialAllowed-ReferenceRequired</dct:license>"
#> [7] " </dcat:Distribution>"
#> [8] " </dcat:distribution>"
#> [9] " <dcat:distribution>"
#> [10] " <dcat:Distribution>"
#> [11] " <dct:issued rdf:datatype=\"\">2021-10-14T00:00:00</dct:issued>"
#> [12] " <dcat:accessURL rdf:resource=\"\" />"
#> [13] " <dct:license>NonCommercialAllowed-CommercialAllowed-ReferenceNotRequired</dct:license>"
#> [14] " <dct:license>NonCommercialAllowed-CommercialAllowed-ReferenceRequired</dct:license>"
#> [15] " </dcat:Distribution>"
#> [16] " </dcat:distribution>"
#> [17] " </dcat:Dataset>"
#> [18] " </dcat:dataset>"
#> [19] " </dcat:Catalog>"
#> [20] "</rdf:RDF>"
Export to an rdf file (with UNIX line endings):
# f <- file("./catalogo_ustat.rdf", "wb")
# writeLines(catalog, con = f, useBytes = TRUE)
# close(f)
write_unix(catalog, filename = "catalogo_ustat.rdf")