Created by: Stefan Husch (free2b AT blun DOT org), 2009-10-30
This extension adds ssl requirement to your radiant admin pages.
Tested with 0.8 and 0.9.1
Starting from your radiant application root directory:
git clone git:// vendor/extensions/ssl_requirement
(The original ssl_requirement plugin from David Heinemeier Hansson is already included – you do not need to add it.)
No rake tasks needed.
The extension should be loaded as early as possible.
Add the ssl certificate to apache or whatever you use as a webserver. Restart webserver, restart application server – you are done.
If you use the sitemap_xml extension, ssl_requirement need to be loaded after it.
If you use the shared_layout extension and want to use ssl with your own extensions put this into your extension.rb file under activate:
# add ssl_required? method
if defined?(SslRequirementExtension)
MyShinyController.class_eval {
include SslRequirement
def ssl_required?; local_request? || RAILS_ENV == 'test' ? false : true; end
Thanks to all radiant core members and extensions authors!