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Position Explanation of folder
1 An implementation of AVL tree can be seen inside AVL Tree folder.
2 An implementation of a BST can be seen in Binary Search Tree folder.
3 Disjoint Set Union folder contains an implementation of Union-Find algorithm by size/rank.
4 Graph algorithms can be found inside Graph folder (BFS, DFS, Dijkstra, Kruskal, Prim, Bellman-Ford).
5 An implementation of a heap can be seen in Heap folder.
6 An implementation of a KD Tree can be seen in KDTree folder.
7 An implementation of a linked list can be found in Linked List folder.
8 An implementation of a queue using a linked list can be found in Queue folder.
9 A simple implementation of a Red Black Tree (insert and delete) can be found in Red Black Tree folder.
10 The solution for the calculation of a reverse polish notation can be found in Reverse Polish notation folder.
11 Rolling Hash folder contains an implementation of Rolling Hash algorithm (hash function)
12 Segment Tree folder contains an implementation of Segment Tree (for ranged minimum queries)
13 Sparse Tree folder contains an implementation of Sparse Table for Range Minimum Queries (RMQ)
14 A simple implementation of stack using vector can be found in Stack folder.
15 An implementation of Trie can be seen in Trie folder.
16 The folder codeforces contains solutions to problems from Codeforces.
17 The folder hackerrank contains separate solved exercises from Hackerrank.
18 The folder leetcode contains separate solved exercises from LeetCode.
19 An implementation of the different searching algorithms can be found in searching algorithms folder.
20 An implementation of the different (basic) sorting algorithms can be found in sorting algorithms folder.


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