Version 1.1.4
In order to define the size of your images for each of your feature you can set an ImageSize on the ItemsView
// Use the original image size as it is
configuration.itemsView.imageSize = .original
// Use the preferred image size which fits perfectly :)
configuration.itemsView.imageSize = .preferred
// Use a custom height for each image
configuration.itemsView.imageSize = .fixed(height: 25)
☝️ By default the ItemsView ImageSize is set to
Secondary Title Color
By setting a SecondaryColor on the TitleView you can change the color of certain characters.
// Set secondary color on TitleView Configuration
configuration.titleView.secondaryColor = .init(
// The start index
startIndex: 0,
// The length of characters
length: 5,
// The secondary color to apply
color: .whatsNewKitLightBlue
☝️ By default the secondaryColor is set to
Apply TextColor
From now on you can apply a text color globally on a configuration instead of change the TitleView and ItemsView text color manually.
// Before:
configuration.titleView.titleColor = .black
configuration.itemsView.titleColor = .black
configuration.itemsView.subtitleColor = .black
// Now:
configuration.apply(textColor: .black)