##What is the EAMiniAudioPlayerView EAMiniAudioPlayerView is a mini Audio player view for ios, it just decide how to display,but don't manage how to download the audio and how to play the audio.
##How to use install with cocoapods
pod install EAMiniAudioPlayerView
##What can EAMiniAudioPlayerView do
- It's easy to config what subView can display,another can not.
Just set EAMiniAudioPlayerStyleConfig
property,it is a ENUM:
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, EAMiniPlayerStyle) {
EAMiniPlayerNormal = 1 << 0, //Has play button,sound icon
EAMiniPlayerHidePlayButton = 1 << 1, //Hide play button
EAMiniPlayerHideSoundIcon = 1 << 2, //Hide sound icon
EAMiniPlayerHideText = 1 << 3, //Hide text label
EAMiniAudioPlayerStyleConfig *config = [EAMiniAudioPlayerStyleConfig defaultConfig];
config.playerStyle |= EAMiniPlayerHidePlayButton;
- The dowload progress
Set value to EAMiniAudioPlayerView
property(0<downloadProgress<1)can change the downloading progress .When downloadProgress
's value is greater than or equal 1,void(^downloadCompleted)(void)
will be call back。
- The play progress
Set value to EAMiniAudioPlayerView
property(0<downloadProgress<1)can change the playing progress .When playProgress
's value is greater than or equal 1,void(^playCompleted)(void)
will be call back。
- Other
Custom cornerRadius、Edge insets、custom colors。