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Releases: Super12138/ToDo


09 Nov 10:12
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♻️ 优化

  1. 应用内的文字显示样式
  2. 删除无用文件,减小APK体积
  3. 触感反馈的力度
  4. 界面的语言表达
  5. 无待办项目时的空项目提示

✨ 添加

  1. 开屏界面(SplashScreen)
  2. 更加流畅的转场动画
  3. 化学学科
  4. 首次使用的欢迎界面
  5. 更多的触感反馈

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♻️ Optimizations

  1. Text display style within the app
  2. Removed unnecessary files to reduce APK size
  3. Intensity of haptic feedback
  4. Language expression of the interface
  5. Empty project prompt when there are no tasks

✨ Additions

  1. Splash screen
  2. Smoother transition animations
  3. Chemistry subject
  4. Welcome screen for first-time users
  5. More haptic feedback


25 Jun 05:33
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♻️ 优化

  1. 添加应用分类
  2. 优化应用逻辑
  3. 应用边到边(Edge to edge)显示
  4. 应用崩溃界面的布局

🛠️ 修复

  1. 依赖错误
  2. 英文界面下应用崩溃无法启动的问题

✨ 添加

  1. 触感反馈设置项(务必先在系统设置里打开触感反馈
  2. 全部代办中用绿色提示已完成的待办
  3. 修改待办内容(在主页长按的待办项目)

🗑️ 移除

  1. 添加待办的对话框(现在可以使用弹出的Bottom Sheet进行添加)

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♻️ Optimization

  1. Added application categories
  2. Optimized application logic
  3. Edge to edge display of the application
  4. Layout of the application crash interface

🛠️ Fixes

  1. Dependency errors
  2. The issue of the application not being able to start under the English interface

✨ Additions

  1. Haptic feedback settings (Be sure to turn on haptic feedback in System Settings first)
  2. All tasks in progress are marked as completed in green
  3. Modify task content (Long press the task item on the homepage)

🗑️ Removals

  1. The dialog box for adding tasks (Now you can use the pop-up Bottom Sheet to add)


29 Apr 10:28
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♻️ 优化

  1. 应用内图标全部变成Outline形式
  2. 设置页面的分割线为透明
  3. 数据获取安全性优化
  4. 添加待办对话框默认不可以关闭

🛠️ 修复

  1. 任务详情的完成状态错误
  2. 某些时候无法进度条不刷新的问题
  3. 在小屏设备上顶部标题栏不能变成抬起状态

✨ 添加

  1. 待办进度条的剩余项目提示
  2. 从系统应用详情直接打开应用设置

🗑️ 移除

  1. 待办项目的出现动画
  2. 部分待办内容预测项

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♻️ Optimization

  1. All icons within the app have been changed to Outline style
  2. The divider line on the settings page is now transparent
  3. Security optimization for data retrieval
  4. Make add to-do dialog uncancellable

🛠️ Fixes

  1. Error in the completion status of task details
  2. The progress bar does not refresh at times
  3. The top title bar cannot become a lift-up state on small screen devices

✨ Additions

  1. Remaining project prompts for the to-do progress bar
  2. Open app settings directly from system app details

🗑️ Removals

  1. Enter animation of to-do items
  2. Some predictive items


02 Mar 06:12
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🛠️ 修复

  1. 无法正常的重启应用
  2. 文本高亮颜色错误
  3. Android 8 标题栏显示阴影

✨ 添加

  1. 待办列表快速滚动支持
  2. 更加详细的崩溃日志
  3. 全部任务浏览页面

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🛠️ Fixes

  1. Unable to restart the application normally
  2. Text highlighting color error
  3. Android 8 title bar displays shadow

✨ Adds

  1. Add support of fast scroll in the to-do list
  2. More detailed crash logs
  3. All tasks checking page


30 Jan 05:08
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🛠️ 修复

  1. 待办列表显示移出动画
  2. 设置页面不是Material Design 3设计
  3. 小屏幕上无法显示待办进度条

✨ 添加

  1. 数据库备份&恢复
  2. 设置项目添加图标
  3. 添加对 Android 14 预测性返回手势的支持
  4. 🧧春节特别主题(提前祝大家新年快乐!)

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🛠️ Fixes

  1. To-do list shows move-out animation
  2. The settings page is not designed in Material Design 3
  3. The to-do progress bar cannot be displayed on the small screen

✨ Adds

  1. Database backup & restore
  2. Add icon for each setting item
  3. Add support for Android 14 Predictive Back Gesture
  4. 🧧Special theme of Spring Festival (Wish you all a happy New Year in advance)


13 Jan 07:53
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🔴 重大更改

  1. 将数据库使用 Jetpack Room 重构(原来的待办将无法显示在待办列表中;建议清除应用数据或者卸载重装以完全删除旧的数据库)

🛠️ 修复

  1. 崩溃页面 FAB 间距错误
  2. 待办列表 FAB 当列表为空时不显示

✨ 添加

  1. 待办内容为空检测
  2. 阻止截屏选项
  3. 待办列表项目动画

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🔴 Important

  1. Refactoring the database using Jetpack Room (the original to-do will not be displayed in the to-do list; Recommended to clear the application data or uninstall and reinstall to completely delete the old database)

🛠️ Fixes

  1. Crash activity's FAB margin wrong
  2. To-do list FAB does not display when the list is empty

✨ Adds

  1. Empty detection of to-do content
  2. Prevent screenshot setting
  3. To-do list item animation


30 Dec 11:11
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  • 深色模式
  • Material Design 3
  • 待办进度条
  • 多学科支持
  • 作业输入预测
  • ……


  • Dark mode
  • Material Design 3
  • To do progress bar
  • Multi-subject support
  • Homework input prediction
  • ...