CSSAssist is a lean JavaScript library for manipulating CSS and the document object model. It uses CSS selectors to select elements and provides a minimal set of chainable operations. CSSAssist is intended for all modern mobile, tablet, and desktop browsers.
- Standalone, no external dependencies
- Less than 3 kb minified, 1 kb gzipped
- Modular and extensible
- Designed for mobile and desktop
// select all img tags and add the 'border' and 'shadow' classes to them
CSSAssist('img').addClass('border shadow');
// select every 3rd <p> node of each <div> node and set the text color to red
CSSAssist('div > p:nth-child(3n)').setStyle('color', 'red');
Include the CSSAssist library by adding the following script tag near the end of your document
<script type="text/javascript" src="cssassist.js"></script>
If you are installing extensions, include them as well
<script type="text/javascript" src="cssassist.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="cssassist.replace.js"></script>
Browser Support includes all modern mobile, tablet, and desktop browsers. The caveat, as always, is Internet Explorer. All version of IE 9+ are fully tested and supported. Limited support for IE 8 is provided by including the ie8shim.js file found in the src directory (less than 400 bytes minified, 250 bytes gzipped).
CSSAssist provides a fluent or chainable API that will be familiar to users of jQuery (though not compatible).
Methods which accept a list of values will accept either an array of string values or a space delimited string of values. For example, each of the following hasClass() calls will return the same result.
var asString = 'myAwesomeClass someOtherClass';
var asArray = ['myAwesomeClass','someOtherClass'];
CSSAssist('div').hasClass('myAwesomeClass someOtherClass');
Returns a collection of elements matching the given selector. Selectors must adhere to the CSS selector specification
CSSAssist() // selects nothing, returns an empty CSSAssist object
CSSAssist(window.document) // selects the document object
CSSAssist('*') // selects all nodes in the document
CSSAssist('p.myAwesomeClass') // selects all <p> nodes with the class .myAwesomeClass
CSSAssist('body > div') // selects all <div> nodes that are a child of <body>
CSSAssist('div > p:nth-child(3n)') // selects every 3rd <p> node of each <div> node
CSS selector and property support may vary by browser - check out caniuse.com for supported configurations.
For more information on CSS selectors:
The following properties are also supported on the CSSAssist object.
CSSAssist.version // (np parens) returns the CSSAssist version
// for a given selector
CSSAssist(selector).length // return the number of items in the selected context
CSSAssist(selector)[n] // return the nth (0 based) element in the selected context
The hasClass() method returns true if and only if each node in the context has each class in the values list.
CSSAssist('div').hasClass() // divs must NOT contain any classes
CSSAssist('div').hasClass('myAwesomeClass') // divs must contain myAwesomeClass
CSSAssist('div').hasClass('myAwesomeClass myOtherClass') // divs must contain myAwesomeClass AND myOtherClass
The addClass() method adds each class in the values list to each node in the context. The addClass() will NOT add duplicates.
CSSAssist('div').addClass('myAwesomeClass') // add myAwesome class to all divs
CSSAssist('div').addClass('aClass bClass') // add aClass and bClass to all divs
The removeClass() method removes each class in values from each node in the context.
CSSAssist('div').removeClass() // removes all classes from all divs
CSSAssist('div').removeClass('myAwesomeClass') // remove myAwesomeClass from all divs
CSSAssist('div').removeClass('myAwesomeClass myOtherClass') // remove myAwesomeClass AND myOtherClass from all divs
The toggleClass() method toggles each class in classList for each node in the context.
CSSAssist('div').toggleClass('myAwesomeClass') // add myAwesomeClass to every div which did not already have it
// AND remove myAwesomeClass from every node which did
The setStyle() method will set or clear the specified style property for each node in the context.
CSSAssist('p').setStyle('color') // clears the color style on all paragraphs
CSSAssist('p').setStyle('fontSize', '2em') // sets the font size to 2em for all paragraphs
The setAttr() method will set or remove the specified attribute for each node in the context.
CSSAssist('*').setAttr('style') // remove the style attributes from all nodes
CSSAssist('span').setAttr('data-myData') // removes the attribute data-myData from all spans
CSSAssist('span').setAttr('data-myData', 'some good data') // sets the attribute data-myData to 'some good data' for all spans
Ensures that duplicates are removed from the current CSSAssist object. This method is used internally, but may be useful to developers creating extensions.
CSSAssist('div').unique() // removes duplicate nodes from the context
Returns the union (concatenation) of two CSSAssist contexts and ensures that there are no duplicates.
// returns all 'div > p' nodes
CSSAssist('div > p:nth-child(odd)').union(CSSAssist('div > p:nth-child(even)'));
// would also return all 'div > p' nodes as it removes duplicates
CSSAssist('div > p').union(CSSAssist('div > p:nth-child(even)'));
Returns the intersection of two CSSAssist contexts and ensures that there are no duplicates.
// returns only the EVEN nodes of 'div > p'
CSSAssist('div > p').intersects(CSSAssist('div > p:nth-child(even)'));
Returns the difference of two CSSAssist contexts and ensures that there are no duplicates.
// returns only the ODD nodes of 'div > p'
CSSAssist('div > p').difference(CSSAssist('div > p:nth-child(even)'));
A utility method for iterating over each item in the current context. Callback functions are passed the current item and index.
// print the context item's tag name to the console
function(item, i) {
console.log('Item ' + i + ' is a(n) ' + item.nodeName)
The loadCSS() method loads an external CSS file (referenced by url) by creating and inserting an appropriate <script> element. Note that the context is not relevant, and this method should be called without parentheses.
The createCSS() method loads a programmatically constructed stylesheet. Note that the context is not relevant, and this method should be called without parentheses.
var myStyles = "body { background-color: red;} div { background-color: yellow;}";
CSSAssist also provides two methods for binding custom event handlers to DOM events. These methods wrap the add/removeEventListener methods such that the provided listener is added to each node in the context. The following links are good resources for events:
The addListener() method adds the specified listener to all nodes in the context. For example,
var myListener = function (event) {
CSSAssist('div.makeInvisible').addListener('click', myListener );
adds the event listener, myListener, to the click event of all <div> nodes with the class "makeInvisible".
The removeListener() method removes the specified listener from all nodes in the context. For example,
CSSAssist('div.makeInvisible').removeListener('click', myListener );
removes the event listener, myListener, from the click event of all <div> nodes with the class "makeInvisible". The event will no longer fire when the <div> is clicked.
CSSAssist can be extended by providing new methods on the CSSAssist prototype.
- Wrap extension in self invoking functions.
- Pass in the CSSAssist object, esp if you rename it within your method.
- When possible, return "this" to enable the method to be chained.
- Name the JavaScript file 'cssassist.<methodName>.js'
(function (CSSAssist) {
CSSAssist.fn.makeRed = function () { // add "makeRed" to the CSSAssist prototype
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { // loop over each node in the context
this[i].style.color = 'red'; // do something
return this; // return "this"
// calling the extension
The extensions directory contains an example extension in the file cssassist.dom.js. This plugin provides methods for prepending, appending, and removing DOM nodes as well as a method for replacing text in the current context.
Unit tests are written using the Jasmine Test Framework.
CSSAssist is copyright William Summers (metatribal) and is available under the Apache License v2.0