Releases: Subject9x/herc-works-mdk
ES2Unvol 0.2.1
Player Save files are go.
can export to json and then reimport.
- file not fully mapped but Pilot, Player, herc bay, workshop, herc unlocks, and weapon inventory are editable.
untangled file read/write lifecycle for export/import. Imported files will be placed in /unpack/mod/
- solves an issue with filename collisions, and more accurately represents how mod files will be installed to game.
added 'bin' filetype so
can be extracted. -
HercSimData - new value mapped unk3_val1000 -> speedAccelDecel (rate).
changed WeaponEntry value type and presentation to Armor/Structure.
ES2Unvol 0.1.15
QoL fixes and updates
Added file sub-dir label to files, keeps the possibility of export and processor collisions low.
added more detailed path info to excavator logging.
made file processors check-greedy, they'll snag all relevant files before letting the next processors run their filter.
fixed bug with assigning ObjectMapper to some JsonProcessor classes.
added an 'abbrev' field to HercLUT enum, accounts for 'APOCA.DAT' and 'HEADHUNT.DAT' (ty for that, Dynamix :) )
re-labeled 'unk2' in /SHELL/GAM/WEAPONS.DAT, courtesy of user Crow! 's discovery.
- Shell's "auto-build priority" for the workshop. Lower number = higher priority when PREFS.CFG has 'auto-build weapons = true'.
.GL "GunLayout" file now supported on both import/export.
ES2Unvol 0.1.8
- added Cybrid data files to supported list.
SIMVOL0/DAT/<herc_name>.Dat support.
HercSimData is go, refactored JsonProcessors to be a generic that extends FileProcessor, then made export/import funcs into generics.
- HercInfDat refactored to HercSimDat for clarity.
- Byte Transformer for HercSimDat is go.
- DTO same.
+TODO - some documentation for herc values, a lot are FIXED-POINT INT (such as torso twist and pitch speeds, and rotation max.)
ES2Unvol 0.0.5
SHELL/GAM/TRN_HERC.DAT and INI_[herc].DAT support added.
- refactored JSON import/export code.
ES2Unvol 0.0.3
- SHELL0/GAM/ .DAT file import-export of json, conversion from json to DAT formats.
Export to JSON
+ these can be converted to JSON plaintext files.
+ after making your edits, feed the JSON file back into the cmd line.
+ This will generate a corresponding .DAT file that has your new changes.
+ place new file in <es2 root>/GAM/
+ run ES2.exe
ES2Unvol 0.0.2
rapid prototyping; can unpack Vol, DBA, and DPL.
DBA can be given a DPL file to use when exporting.
DPL exports to image with colors.
see readme.txt
ES2Unvol 0.0.1
Quick release of just the Vol unpacker.
- put zip in /vol
- unzip.
- run bat and input vol file with extension.