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Releases: Subject9x/herc-works-mdk

ES2Unvol 0.2.1

12 Jun 01:18
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Player Save files are go.

  • can export to json and then reimport.

    • file not fully mapped but Pilot, Player, herc bay, workshop, herc unlocks, and weapon inventory are editable.
  • untangled file read/write lifecycle for export/import. Imported files will be placed in /unpack/mod/

    • solves an issue with filename collisions, and more accurately represents how mod files will be installed to game.
  • added 'bin' filetype so LANG0.VOL can be extracted.

  • HercSimData - new value mapped unk3_val1000 -> speedAccelDecel (rate).

  • changed WeaponEntry value type and presentation to Armor/Structure.

ES2Unvol 0.1.15

28 May 03:46
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QoL fixes and updates

  • Added file sub-dir label to files, keeps the possibility of export and processor collisions low.

  • added more detailed path info to excavator logging.

  • made file processors check-greedy, they'll snag all relevant files before letting the next processors run their filter.

  • fixed bug with assigning ObjectMapper to some JsonProcessor classes.

  • added an 'abbrev' field to HercLUT enum, accounts for 'APOCA.DAT' and 'HEADHUNT.DAT' (ty for that, Dynamix :) )

  • re-labeled 'unk2' in /SHELL/GAM/WEAPONS.DAT, courtesy of user Crow! 's discovery.

    • Shell's "auto-build priority" for the workshop. Lower number = higher priority when PREFS.CFG has 'auto-build weapons = true'.
  • .GL "GunLayout" file now supported on both import/export.

ES2Unvol 0.1.8

18 May 01:54
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  • added Cybrid data files to supported list.

SIMVOL0/DAT/<herc_name>.Dat support.

HercSimData is go, refactored JsonProcessors to be a generic that extends FileProcessor, then made export/import funcs into generics.

  • HercInfDat refactored to HercSimDat for clarity.
  • Byte Transformer for HercSimDat is go.
  • DTO same.

+TODO - some documentation for herc values, a lot are FIXED-POINT INT (such as torso twist and pitch speeds, and rotation max.)

ES2Unvol 0.0.5

13 Apr 03:11
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SHELL/GAM/TRN_HERC.DAT and INI_[herc].DAT support added.

  • refactored JSON import/export code.

ES2Unvol 0.0.3

11 Apr 20:18
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  • SHELL0/GAM/ .DAT file import-export of json, conversion from json to DAT formats.
    Export to JSON

	+ these can be converted to JSON plaintext files.

+ after making your edits, feed the JSON file back into the cmd line.
	+ This will generate a corresponding .DAT file that has your new changes.
	+ place new file in <es2 root>/GAM/
		+ run ES2.exe

ES2Unvol 0.0.2

28 Mar 23:35
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rapid prototyping; can unpack Vol, DBA, and DPL.

DBA can be given a DPL file to use when exporting.

DPL exports to image with colors.

see readme.txt

ES2Unvol 0.0.1

25 Mar 16:45
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Quick release of just the Vol unpacker.

  • put zip in /vol
  • unzip.
  • run bat and input vol file with extension.