V3.7.4 - new mechs, modflags, refactor
New Mech: Warden
New Mech: Sapper
plus data files, hud, loadouts.
- newgame+ mode.
- fixed tank floatiness.
- AI mech weapons on destroyed components were still being shown.
- Repair bay not updating HUD when destroyed weapons have been repaired.
- issue where AI would move backwards forever and get stuck.
- Weapon muzzle flash for players, they are now drawn where they should be on the mech.
- O2M1 - enemy destroyed counters for all difficulties.
- O1M4, O2M1 - pathfinding node graphs rebuilt.
- issue with player shield regen and ctrl-key regen.
- Electro-static Repeater wind-up time increased, spread increased.
- Turbo charger now also buffs mech [i]forward[/i] speed.
- Quantum Rifle - minor increase to shard max random.
- High-Strength Shield Emitters should be working as intended now.