StreamSDK-Core is the only mandatory component in the StreamSDK toolkit. It a requirement for any of the other StreamSDK modules to have StreamSDK-Core implemented before they will function.
Core provides the networking and logging components of the SDK as well as Error reporting and common model and constants components.
The version of Core implemented in a project should always be the same as, or newer than the component modules it is supporting.
Add the jitpack repository to your project level build.gradle
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "" }
In your app level build.gradle file, add the dependencies required
implementation "com.github.StreamAMG.streamamg-sdk-android:streamamg-sdk-core:(version number)"
Once Core has been added to the project, it must be initialised before any components can be accessed.
fun initialise(context: Context, okHttpClient: OkHttpClient? = null, gsonImplementation: Gson? = null, env: StreamAPIEnvironment = StreamAPIEnvironment.PRODUCTION)
A standard initialisation of Core, which includes the default OKHTTP and GSON implementations would be:
StreamAMGSDK.INSTANCE.initialise(this, null, null, StreamAPIEnvironment.STAGING);
StreamAMGSDK.initialise(this, env = StreamAPIEnvironment.STAGING)
This can be configured with custom OKHTTP or GSON implementations by passing the objects in the function call:
OKHTTP okHTTPInstance = new OKHTTP()
GSON gson = new GSON()
(customise okHTTPInstance and / or gson Instance here)
StreamAMGSDK.INSTANCE.initialise(context,okHTTPInstance,gson, StreamAPIEnvironment.STAGING);
val okHTTPInstance = OKHTTP()
val gson = GSON()
(customise okHTTPInstance and / or gson Instance here)
StreamAMGSDK.initialise(context, okHTTPInstance, gson, StreamAPIEnvironment.STAGING)
For Kotlin, the environment will default to PRODUCTION if no environment is specified: StreamAMGSDK.initialise(context)
The environment parameter defines which url the library will use if both production and staging URLs have been provided.
##StreamSDK Internal Logging
Core provides internal logging of all calls and model construction that occurs when modules are used. Logging is disabled by default, but can be enabled either fully, or at a component level, by a call to StreamAMGSDK
To enable full logging: Java:
Logging of the following components can be enabled or disabled:
Network – Details of network calls to servers, including URLs called
Responses – Broken down listings of potentially large text dumps, generally API responses
ModelLogs – Lists of items parsed into modules
BoolValues – (Unused) Logging of Boolean values and descriptors
Standard – Any other feedback, eg: initialisation
These can be activated / deactivated by a call to StreamAMGSDK:
The following calls will enable only Network and Standard logs (Called instead of enableLogging()) Java:
StreamAMGSDK.INSTANCE.enableLogging(StreamSDKLogType.Network, StreamSDKLogType.Standard);
StreamAMGSDK.enableLogging(StreamSDKLogType.Network, StreamSDKLogType.Standard)
You can, similarly, enable all logging and disable, for example only ModelLogs: Java:
##API Error Model The Core SDK contains a standard error response model that is returned if an unsuccessful request is returned. If a callback error model is not null, it can be assumed the API call did not succeed: Kotlin:
{ response, error ->
if (error == null) {
// Process the valid response object (CloudMatrixResponse / StreamPlayResponse) here
} else {
// Process the valid error object (StreamAMGError) here
The model is very simple. It contains the HTTP code returned and an array of String values that may have been passed to the SDK when the error occurred.
These details can be retrieved from the error model using the following calls:
Http code error.code
Any messages – returned as an array of Strings error.messages
Any messages – returned as a single String containing all errors error.getMessages()
##Batch processing
In a normal call to the server, you will likely want the response to be immediately delivered back to the callback so the app can respond accordingly. There may be occasions, however, where it would be preferable for multiple jobs to complete before processing.
In these situations, the StreamSDKBatchJob service can collate any number of jobs, from either a single module or a mixture of any modules, make a request from the API and hold the responses until all jobs have been completed.
Once all jobs are complete, the service will then fire all callbacks. Kotlin:
val queue = StreamSDKBatchJob()
queue.add(CloudMatrixJob(cmRequest, cmBatchClosure))
queue.add(StreamPlayJob(spRequest, spBatchClosure))
The batch job can be fired as many times as required once created, but will not allow a restart until any running batch has completed
All notable changes to this project will be documented here