The StreamAMGSDK provides simple and efficient access to StreamAMG's APIs and services
There are currently four modules available, each of which perform a particular task, or set of tasks, within the SDK, they are:
Core: The Core module provides networking, logging and batch processing functionality to the other modules. It is a mandatory requirement of StreamSDK that Core is included in your project Full details
CloudMatrix: CloudMatrix provides a historical reference of video, audio and other media types for specific events. Full details
StreamPlay: StreamPlay contains information regarding upcoming events Full details
Authentication: Covers logging in, getting a token, KSession, and logging out Full details
PlayKit: PlayKit provides video playback for Stream AMG clients Full details
PlayKit2Go: Download and playback media for PlayKit Full details
Purchases: Integrate IAPs into the StreamAMG CloudPay backend Full details
To use the modules the following steps should be followed:
Add the jitpack repository to your project level build.gradle's allprojects block:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "" }
In your app level build.gradle file, add the dependencies required - you MUST add core for any module other than PlayKit....
implementation "com.github.StreamAMG.streamamg-sdk-android:streamamg-sdk-core:(version number)"
implementation "com.github.StreamAMG.streamamg-sdk-android:streamamg-sdk-cloudmatrix:(version number)"
implementation "com.github.StreamAMG.streamamg-sdk-android:streamamg-sdk-streamplay:(version number)"
implementation "com.github.StreamAMG.streamamg-sdk-android:streamamg-sdk-authentication:(version number)"
implementation "com.github.StreamAMG.streamamg-sdk-android:streamamg-sdk-playkit:(version number)"
implementation "com.github.StreamAMG.streamamg-sdk-android:streamamg-sdk-playkit2go:(version number)"
implementation "com.github.StreamAMG.streamamg-sdk-android:streamamg-sdk-purchases:(version number)"
alternatively, to install all SDK elements, use the following line:
implementation "com.github.StreamAMG:streamamg-sdk-android:(version number)"
Sync your Gradle files, and the AMG SDK should import and be available for use.
All notable changes to this project will be documented here