All trim.models.fields
shadow the standard Django field. They are designed to be completely interchangable.
from trim.models import fields
class StockChange(models.Model):
"""A Stock change example """
# ForeignKey to another model.
stockcount =
# Standard ints
from_count =
to_count =
# A datetime pair; created, updated.
created, updated = fields.dt_cu_pair()
# The "Any" for contentType modelling. Creating 3 fields
) = fields.any(prefix='associated')
def count(self):
"""A stock count property using the int field."""
return self.to_count
from trim.models import fields
# Stringy
url(*a, **kw)
text(*a, **kw)
chars(first_var=None, *a, **kw)
email(*a, **kw)
# Special Stringy
binary(*a, bytes=2_097_152, **kw)
slug(*a, **kw)
ip_addr(*a, **kw)
json(*a, **kw)
# Boolean
null_bool(*a, **kw)
true_bool(*a, **kw)
false_bool(*a, **kw)
boolean(*a, **kw)
auto(*a, **kw)
uuid_null(*a, **kw)
pk_uuid(*a, **kw)
uuid(*a, **kw)
# Date Time
date(*a, **kw)
datetime(*a, **kw)
blank_dt(*a, **kw)
dt_created(*a, **kw)
dt_updated(*a, **kw)
# A special pair
created, updated = dt_cu_pair(*a, **kw)
# delta
duration(*a, **kw)
time(*a, **kw)
# FK and M2M
fk(other, *a, on_delete=None, **kw)
self_fk(*a, **kw)
o2o(other, *a, on_delete=None, **kw)
user_o2o(*a, **kw)
m2m(other, *a, **kw)
self_m2m(other, *a, **kw)
# ContentTypes
contenttype_fk(content_type=None, *a, **kw)
generic_fk(content_type_field='content_type', id_field='object_id', **kw)
unit, unit_content_type, unit_object_id = fields.any(prefix='unit')
# Numbers
integer(*a, **kw)
float_(*a, **kw)
pos_small_int(*a, **kw)
small_auto(*a, **kw)
small_int(*a, **kw)
big_auto(*a, **kw)
big_int(*a, **kw)
pos_big_int(*a, **kw)
pos_int(*a, **kw)
decimal(*a, digits=19, places=10, **kw)
# Files
file(*a, **kw)
image(*a, **kw)
filepath(*a, **kw)
Django trim
is designed to be ready-to-go and specifically designed to remove the language barrier to "correct" method names.
All trim.models.fields
have a flipped name as an alias to the original function:
from trim.models import fields
class MyModel(models.Model):
user = fields.user_fk()
owner = fields.fk_user()
This allows you to assume your preferred flavour, without learning a special trim