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552 lines (361 loc) · 22.8 KB

File metadata and controls

552 lines (361 loc) · 22.8 KB


Reduce typing on models! Import ready-to-use fields for your models. All fields shadow the existing django field.

Here's a fast example:

from django.db import models
from trim.models import fields

class ContactMessage(models.Model):
    user = fields.user_fk(nil=True)
    sender =
    cc_myself = fields.bool_false()
    subject = fields.chars(max_length=255, nil=True)
    message = fields.text(nil=False)
    created, updated = fields.dt_cu_pair()


Name Field Name Alias Help
auto AutoField -- A standard AutoField passing all arguments.
auto_big BigAutoField big_auto A 64-bit integer, much like an AutoField except that it is guaranteed to
auto_small SmallAutoField small_auto Like an AutoField, but only allows values under a certain
big_auto BigAutoField -- A 64-bit integer, much like an AutoField except that it is guaranteed to
big_int BigIntegerField -- A 64-bit integer, much like an IntegerField except that it is guaranteed
binary BinaryField -- A standard BinaryField with the first argument as the target byte max
blank_dt DateTimeField -- A standard DateTimeField with default null=True
blank_null dict -- no docs
bool BooleanField boolean A standard BooleanField passing all arguments.
bool_false BooleanField false_bool A standard BooleanField with default False
bool_null BooleanField null_bool A standard BooleanField with default null=True
bool_true BooleanField true_bool A standard BooleanField with default True
boolean BooleanField -- A standard BooleanField passing all arguments.
boolean_false BooleanField false_bool A standard BooleanField with default False
boolean_null BooleanField null_bool A standard BooleanField with default null=True
boolean_true BooleanField true_bool A standard BooleanField with default True
chars CharField -- A standard models.CharField passing the standard fields.
contenttype_fk ForeignKey -- no docs
created DateTimeField dt_created A standard DateTimeField with default auto_now_add=True
date DateField -- A standard DateTimeField passing all arguments
datetime DateTimeField -- A standard DateTimeField passing all arguments
decimal DecimalField -- A standard DecimalField with defaults max_digits=19 and
dt DateTimeField datetime A standard DateTimeField passing all arguments
dt_blank DateTimeField blank_dt A standard DateTimeField with default null=True
dt_created DateTimeField -- A standard DateTimeField with default auto_now_add=True
dt_cu_pair tuple -- A tuple pair of DateTimeField, first item created, second updated.
dt_updated DateTimeField -- A standard DateTimeField with default auto_now=True
duration DurationField -- A standard DurationField
email EmailField -- A CharField that checks that the value is a valid email address
false_bool BooleanField -- A standard BooleanField with default False
file FileField -- A file-upload field.
filepath FilePathField -- A CharField whose choices are limited to the filenames in a certain
fk ForeignKey -- A standard ForeignKey with the first argument as the other model.
fk_self ForeignKey self_fk A standard ForeignKey with the other model as the "self"
fk_user ForeignKey user_fk A standard ForeignKey with the other model as the get_user_model()
float FloatField float_ A floating-point number represented in Python by a float instance.
float_ FloatField -- A floating-point number represented in Python by a float instance.
generic_fk GenericForeignKey -- Return the standard GenericForeignKey, providing a content type field and
get_user_model ModelBase -- Return the user model using the original django
image ImageField -- A standard ImageField passing all arguments
int IntegerField integer A standard IntegerField with the first argument as the default
int_ IntegerField integer A standard IntegerField with the first argument as the default
int_big BigIntegerField big_int A 64-bit integer, much like an IntegerField except that it is guaranteed
int_big_pos PositiveBigIntegerField pos_big_int Like a PositiveIntegerField, but only allows values under a certain
int_pos PositiveIntegerField pos_int Like an IntegerField, but must be either positive or zero (0). Values
int_small SmallIntegerField small_int Like an IntegerField, but only allows values under a certain
int_small_pos PositiveSmallIntegerField pos_small_int Like a PositiveIntegerField, but only allows values under a certain
integer IntegerField -- A standard IntegerField with the first argument as the default
ip_addr GenericIPAddressField -- no docs
json JSONField -- no docs
m2m ManyToManyField -- A standard ManyToManyField accepting the other reference of string
m2m_self ManyToManyField self_m2m A many to many field (through m2m) refering to self
null_bool BooleanField -- A standard BooleanField with default null=True
o2o OneToOneField -- A standard OneToOneField with the other model as the first argument
o2o_user OneToOneField user_o2o A standard OneToOneField with the other model as the get_user_model()
orig_get_user_model ModelBase get_user_model no docs
orig_uuid4 UUID uuid4 Generate a random UUID.
pk_uuid UUIDField -- Return a standard UUIDField field through uuid(), with the
pos_big_int PositiveBigIntegerField -- Like a PositiveIntegerField, but only allows values under a certain
pos_int PositiveIntegerField -- Like an IntegerField, but must be either positive or zero (0). Values
pos_small_int PositiveSmallIntegerField -- Like a PositiveIntegerField, but only allows values under a certain
rand_str CharField -- Return a standard CharField with a default value of a random string
self_fk ForeignKey -- A standard ForeignKey with the other model as the "self"
self_m2m ManyToManyField -- A many to many field (through m2m) refering to self
slug SlugField -- Slug is a newspaper term. A slug is a trim label for something,
small_auto SmallAutoField -- Like an AutoField, but only allows values under a certain
small_int SmallIntegerField -- Like an IntegerField, but only allows values under a certain
str CharField chars A standard models.CharField passing the standard fields.
str_uuid CharField -- Return a standard CharField through chars(), the default value
string CharField chars A standard models.CharField passing the standard fields.
text TextField -- A standard models.TextField passing the standard arguments.
time TimeField -- Return a standard TimeField
true_bool BooleanField -- A standard BooleanField with default True
updated DateTimeField dt_updated A standard DateTimeField with default auto_now=True
url URLField -- A django models.URLField passing any arguments and keyword arguments
user_fk ForeignKey -- A standard ForeignKey with the other model as the get_user_model()
user_m2m ManyToManyField -- Create a many to many relationship to the user model,
user_o2o OneToOneField -- A standard OneToOneField with the other model as the get_user_model()
uuid UUIDField -- Return a standard UUIDField, with editable=False and the default
uuid_null UUIDField -- Return a standard UUIDField through uuid().



Name Field Name Alias Help
auto AutoField -- A standard AutoField passing all arguments.



Name Field Name Alias Help
auto_big BigAutoField big_auto A 64-bit integer, much like an AutoField except that it is guaranteed to
big_auto BigAutoField -- A 64-bit integer, much like an AutoField except that it is guaranteed to



Name Field Name Alias Help
auto_small SmallAutoField small_auto Like an AutoField, but only allows values under a certain
small_auto SmallAutoField -- Like an AutoField, but only allows values under a certain



Name Field Name Alias Help
big_int BigIntegerField -- A 64-bit integer, much like an IntegerField except that it is guaranteed
int_big BigIntegerField big_int A 64-bit integer, much like an IntegerField except that it is guaranteed



Name Field Name Alias Help
binary BinaryField -- A standard BinaryField with the first argument as the target byte max



Name Field Name Alias Help
blank_dt DateTimeField -- A standard DateTimeField with default null=True
created DateTimeField dt_created A standard DateTimeField with default auto_now_add=True
datetime DateTimeField -- A standard DateTimeField passing all arguments
dt DateTimeField datetime A standard DateTimeField passing all arguments
dt_blank DateTimeField blank_dt A standard DateTimeField with default null=True
dt_created DateTimeField -- A standard DateTimeField with default auto_now_add=True
dt_updated DateTimeField -- A standard DateTimeField with default auto_now=True
updated DateTimeField dt_updated A standard DateTimeField with default auto_now=True



Name Field Name Alias Help
blank_null dict -- no docs



Name Field Name Alias Help
bool BooleanField boolean A standard BooleanField passing all arguments.
bool_false BooleanField false_bool A standard BooleanField with default False
bool_null BooleanField null_bool A standard BooleanField with default null=True
bool_true BooleanField true_bool A standard BooleanField with default True
boolean BooleanField -- A standard BooleanField passing all arguments.
boolean_false BooleanField false_bool A standard BooleanField with default False
boolean_null BooleanField null_bool A standard BooleanField with default null=True
boolean_true BooleanField true_bool A standard BooleanField with default True
false_bool BooleanField -- A standard BooleanField with default False
null_bool BooleanField -- A standard BooleanField with default null=True
true_bool BooleanField -- A standard BooleanField with default True



Name Field Name Alias Help
chars CharField -- A standard models.CharField passing the standard fields.
rand_str CharField -- Return a standard CharField with a default value of a random string
str CharField chars A standard models.CharField passing the standard fields.
str_uuid CharField -- Return a standard CharField through chars(), the default value
string CharField chars A standard models.CharField passing the standard fields.



Name Field Name Alias Help
contenttype_fk ForeignKey -- no docs
fk ForeignKey -- A standard ForeignKey with the first argument as the other model.
fk_self ForeignKey self_fk A standard ForeignKey with the other model as the "self"
fk_user ForeignKey user_fk A standard ForeignKey with the other model as the get_user_model()
self_fk ForeignKey -- A standard ForeignKey with the other model as the "self"
user_fk ForeignKey -- A standard ForeignKey with the other model as the get_user_model()



Name Field Name Alias Help
date DateField -- A standard DateTimeField passing all arguments



Name Field Name Alias Help
decimal DecimalField -- A standard DecimalField with defaults max_digits=19 and



Name Field Name Alias Help
dt_cu_pair tuple -- A tuple pair of DateTimeField, first item created, second updated.



Name Field Name Alias Help
duration DurationField -- A standard DurationField



Name Field Name Alias Help
email EmailField -- A CharField that checks that the value is a valid email address



Name Field Name Alias Help
file FileField -- A file-upload field.



Name Field Name Alias Help
filepath FilePathField -- A CharField whose choices are limited to the filenames in a certain



Name Field Name Alias Help
float FloatField float_ A floating-point number represented in Python by a float instance.
float_ FloatField -- A floating-point number represented in Python by a float instance.



Name Field Name Alias Help
generic_fk GenericForeignKey -- Return the standard GenericForeignKey, providing a content type field and



Name Field Name Alias Help
get_user_model ModelBase -- Return the user model using the original django
orig_get_user_model ModelBase get_user_model no docs



Name Field Name Alias Help
image ImageField -- A standard ImageField passing all arguments



Name Field Name Alias Help
int IntegerField integer A standard IntegerField with the first argument as the default
int_ IntegerField integer A standard IntegerField with the first argument as the default
integer IntegerField -- A standard IntegerField with the first argument as the default



Name Field Name Alias Help
int_big_pos PositiveBigIntegerField pos_big_int Like a PositiveIntegerField, but only allows values under a certain
pos_big_int PositiveBigIntegerField -- Like a PositiveIntegerField, but only allows values under a certain



Name Field Name Alias Help
int_pos PositiveIntegerField pos_int Like an IntegerField, but must be either positive or zero (0). Values
pos_int PositiveIntegerField -- Like an IntegerField, but must be either positive or zero (0). Values



Name Field Name Alias Help
int_small SmallIntegerField small_int Like an IntegerField, but only allows values under a certain
small_int SmallIntegerField -- Like an IntegerField, but only allows values under a certain



Name Field Name Alias Help
int_small_pos PositiveSmallIntegerField pos_small_int Like a PositiveIntegerField, but only allows values under a certain
pos_small_int PositiveSmallIntegerField -- Like a PositiveIntegerField, but only allows values under a certain



Name Field Name Alias Help
ip_addr GenericIPAddressField -- no docs



Name Field Name Alias Help
json JSONField -- no docs



Name Field Name Alias Help
m2m ManyToManyField -- A standard ManyToManyField accepting the other reference of string
m2m_self ManyToManyField self_m2m A many to many field (through m2m) refering to self
self_m2m ManyToManyField -- A many to many field (through m2m) refering to self
user_m2m ManyToManyField -- Create a many to many relationship to the user model,



Name Field Name Alias Help
o2o OneToOneField -- A standard OneToOneField with the other model as the first argument
o2o_user OneToOneField user_o2o A standard OneToOneField with the other model as the get_user_model()
user_o2o OneToOneField -- A standard OneToOneField with the other model as the get_user_model()



Name Field Name Alias Help
orig_uuid4 UUID uuid4 Generate a random UUID.



Name Field Name Alias Help
pk_uuid UUIDField -- Return a standard UUIDField field through uuid(), with the
uuid UUIDField -- Return a standard UUIDField, with editable=False and the default
uuid_null UUIDField -- Return a standard UUIDField through uuid().



Name Field Name Alias Help
slug SlugField -- Slug is a newspaper term. A slug is a trim label for something,



Name Field Name Alias Help
text TextField -- A standard models.TextField passing the standard arguments.



Name Field Name Alias Help
time TimeField -- Return a standard TimeField



Name Field Name Alias Help
url URLField -- A django models.URLField passing any arguments and keyword arguments
