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2014 09 13 Structure database kick off Notes
Meeting Attendees:
- Zach Michels Grad student, microstructure, fabrics, ultramafic rocks
- Jason Ash
- Douglas Walker
- Basil Tikoff
- Jessica Good
- Adrian Sonnenschein
- Joe Andrews. Field computer systems, GIS
- Tim Shipley spatial reasoning, cognitive science
- Julie Newman Texas, microstructure
make functions of modules clear so users use the correct one have simple and expert interfaces
thin section image: orientation vectors for section in the image; scale of the image
REQUIREMENT: First Choice is cross platform; if can't develop cross platform, then first fall back is WINDOWS 7 desktop be aware that people have Apple machines mostly in the academic environment. most important thing is adoption; from that point of view need to operate Mac and Win; if there is a problem with the cross platform work, we will need to review and make a decision about one platform.
work flow:
set up field project in office-- upload base maps, shape files existing points, get stuff in correct projections (list of supported projections), put in basic metadata (who, what, why, access control). symbolization scheme.
Push configuration to mobile spot editor (strabo mobile) (as opposed to strabo desktop or strabo database)
basic map view allows display of multiple layers, using any georeferenced image (all have to be in same projection; have to figure out how to have GPS
allow shape files in view
Connects to GPS to display current location if GPS available (start using GPS on device; later look at bluetooth/wireless connection to GPS)
has drawing tool to put in points lines, polygon, multipoint. (different tool for point, line, poly, multipoint); start with dots lines, polys, all same symbol
Select new and/or existing geometries and assign identity to link with a 'spot' observation (grouping existing spots)
select existing feature(s) from loaded vector data to define spot--description or create relationships
display options; -- labeling spots.. strike dip stick for orientation measure; fall back -- sketch symbol as graphic; have 36 symbols for different strikes. color scheme
This sends message to spot editor, open editor window (prepopulate with background information--who, what, link to geometry)
User selects kind of description (fault, bedding, fabric, fold...); this loads content model for description and spins up form interface
attach picture, add sketch (use device camera to start).
Sketch tool....
add spots in picture or sketch (use same image interface)
save button to commit notes
push data to home base
see description of exiting spot
select and edit description of existing spot
Notes summary (2014 09)
- spot has size, observation result, relation to other spots (observations)
- everything is optional; a spot has an 'entry' (observation result') of some sort
- use existing software for 'map mode'
- spot mode, map mode:
- spot mode: spot editor runs in field or on desktop
- map mode: drawing map with GIS software (use existing software); start with what Kansas is using; shapefile will be initial inter change format to get from map mode to database
- map to spot in mapping mode
- map to spot later -
Spot editor
- import data to 'home base':
- all data in same projection (WGS 84)
Access control:
- private, group, public, publish (tag, can't edit; get DOI, make citable, archive in repository)
- can edit private, group, public
Another spot discussion: -spots that are based on observation,
- spots based on analysis or interpretation
- spot-- scope of a set of observations
- spots are observations (observation is 1 to 1 with a geographic sampling feature....)
- spot is a collection of observations
- spot is useful for linking between scales of observations;
- observation has some scale at which it is applicable
- spot--start with location, attribute, extent of influence then group these spots to make larger interpretation
- spots-- individual simple observation result
- groups-- define intention of grouping, spot grouping must be based on geography/location
- thematic set/grouping--result of query, likely filtered by user as a basis for some conclusion
- basic geo fields
- shear zone fields
- strabo Air UI mockup
- Jason work on REST API
- faults meeting, Nov. 1-2
- Windows, working prototype for UI
December 1
- fault templates
- Dec 31 strabo mobile Air create point, preconfigured for basic strike and dip spot, notes spot
- AGU town hall, microstructure
- mini field camp
- field testing Strabo Air jess or Adrian
- data packaging and transfer to 'home base'
- project configuration
- Tucson, fabric expert meeting
- Data p/c/+ Content management System for configuring mobile
- last week in march -- Zach, Joe, field testing in Arizona; alpha version
- March 10, Fabric Template meeting
- boston, Intrusion migmatite meeting
- May 10-- Intrusions/migmatite template ready
- May 10 -- strabo mobile Beta 1; feature lock for summer release; has to work on windows
- Rio Grande Project start
- GSA today article; GeoSpot: outcrops as a social media
- version 0.9
- for use at KU field camp. June 1 to ~14
- Seiad trials (Jess or Adrian go for a couple days...)
- populate sierra database inprep for RCN field trip in August
- Aug 5-10 RCN field trip, Owens valley; demo SPOT mobile
- add photo capabilities in prep for GSA meeting in the Appalachians
Talks, meetings
- FOSS4G, N. America
- GSA 2015 (Steve?)
- AGU (Basil)
- can't engineer cross domain implementation that performs sufficiently... --will have to make decision about how to handle that if it comes to pass