This is the code repository of the VeiligStallen frontend app. The codebase uses NextJS and is written in JavaScript (React).
Run: npm install
Make sure that Docker is installed and working
Make sure that you have filled in the database config in the .env file. In example:
Make sure that you have filled in a Mapbox key in the .env.local file
Next, setup the database:
npm run setup-db
This above command creates a Docker container with MySQL loaded with the VeiligStallen test database. The prisma ORM model is recreated automatically.
In your terminal, run:
openssl rand -base64 32
Add the key in .env
, as value for NEXTAUTH_SECRET
Make sure the database is running:
npm run start-db
For development purposes:
npm run dev
The app is deployed to a test server at the moment:
Deploy a new version using these commands:
ssh [email protected]
Deployment is configured like this:
- Op de testserver wordt een pull van de repository gedaan, daarna een npm build
- De app wordt gedraaid met de pm2 taakmanager
- Op de achtergrond draait altijd een Docker container voor de database
pg_dump -h localhost -U deelfietsdashboard -d deelfietsdashboard -t zones --port 5431 --format=c --inserts > zones.sql
Get municipality based on latitude/longitude:,4.5
Error response:,7.5
- make sure that your .env file containers the settings that should be used server side (your development settings can be set in .env.local: this overrides the .env settings)
- first make sure that the prisma binaries have been generated (npx prisma generate)
- next create the docker container using the
npm run docker-build
command - the docker image can be started locally by running
npm run docker-run
Stap van schema-full.prisma is auto generated. schema.prisma is de uitgeklede versie en moet je handmatig aanpassen bij updates in het schema
NOTE: Na elke npm run setup-db
moet schema.prisma worden gerevert.
npx prisma generate
daarna: dat maakt de classes in de app op basis van het schema.
(als ik geen setup-db meer doet, blijft alles hetzelfde)