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Consequential Life Cycle Assessment Course at Aalborg University, May 2023

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Consequential Life Cycle Assessment Course

Aalborg University - May '23

This repository contains the code for the cLCA group project at Aalborg University.

The course files are in the folder 'moodle'

See the interactive notebook main.ipynb to view the code and results from a previous run.

**** QUICK START **** ** it should work with just running (change the montecarlo iterations to low if you are running it in the cloud) **

if not:

  1. drag the .gz file of the project backup into the folder
  2. restore the project with
  3. run


  • Usage
  • Code explanation
  • Setup
  • Contributing


  1. install requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. if you don't have ecoinvent installed, download it and run
  3. configure and run it

Code explanation

* Importing Modules

The code begins by importing several modules, including os, sys, and shutil for general file operations, bw2calc, bw2data, and bw2io for life cycle assessment calculations and data management, and seaborn for data visualization. Additionally, there are imports from custom modules (visualisation, add_uncertainties, import_db_from_file, LCA_calculations, and make_process_diagram) that contain specific functions used later in the code.

* Setting Up Models

The code initializes a list called models and appends two models, "bread" and "corn", to it.

* Setting Flags

The code sets several Boolean flags (remove, rebuild, recalculate, recalculate_MC, revisualise) to control the execution of specific functions later in the code.

* Removing Old Results Folder

If the remove flag is True and a folder named "results" exists, the code removes the folder and its contents using the shutil.rmtree function.

* Setting Parameters for Monte Carlo Analysis

The code sets various parameters for the Monte Carlo analysis, such as the number of iterations (iterations), scale percent (scale_percent), and distribution ID (dist_id). The distribution ID determines the type of probability distribution used for uncertainty analysis.

* Setting Scenarios

The code defines a dictionary called scenarios that represents different LCA scenarios. Each scenario is associated with a Boolean value indicating whether it should be applied. The scenarios include "CoproductsToWaste", "EnergyEfficient", "WaterEfficient", and "CoproductsToLowerMarket". Each scenario modifies specific aspects of the LCA model.

* Writing Databases, Adding Uncertainties, Inspecting, and Exporting

If the rebuild flag is True, the code iterates over each model and performs the following steps:

  • Writes the database for the model using the write_database function from the custom module import_db_from_file.
  • Adds uncertainties to the database using the add_uncertainties function from the custom module add_uncertainties.
  • Inspects the database using the inspect_db function from the custom module import_db_from_file.
  • Exports the database using the export_db function from the custom module import_db_from_file.
  • If the redo_diagrams flag is True, it extracts nodes and edges from the model using the extract_nodes_edges function from the custom module make_process_diagram and generates a process diagram using the write_process_diagram function from the same module.

* Loading the Database

The code loads the functional unit process ("fg") from the database of the current model (f'fg_{model}') using the bd.Database function from bw2data.

* Setting up Scenarios

For each model, the code iterates over the scenarios and performs specific modifications to the LCA model based on the active scenarios.

* Extracting Nodes and Edges, Writing Process Diagrams

After modifying the LCA model based on scenarios, the code extracts nodes and edges from the model using the extract_nodes_edges function from the custom module make_process_diagram. It then writes a process diagram based on the extracted nodes, edges, model, and scenario name using the write_process_diagram function from the same module.

* Recalculating LCA Scores

If the recalculate flag is True, the code iterates over each model and performs the following steps:

  • Calculates the LCA scores for the model and scenario using the get_LCA_scores function from the custom module LCA_calculations.
  • Generates an LCA report for the model and scenario using the get_LCA_report function from the same module.

* Calculating Monte Carlo Results

If the recalculate_MC flag is True, the code iterates over each model and performs the following steps:

  • Calculates the single LCA score for the model and scenario using the get_LCA_scores function from the custom module LCA_calculations.
  • Performs Monte Carlo analysis by calling the get_MCLCA_scores function from the same module, passing the single score, number of iterations, Monte Carlo type, and scenario name.

* Plotting Monte Carlo Results and Statistical Tests

If the revisualise flag is True, the code imports the plot_MC_results function from the custom module visualisation. It plots the Monte Carlo results using the plot_MC_results function, passing the Monte Carlo type and scenario name. Additionally, it performs statistical tests and displays the results using the describe and to_dict functions on a DataFrame.


The code includes a comment listing the distribution IDs used in the add_uncertainties function. These IDs correspond to different probability distributions used for uncertainty analysis in the stats_arrays package.

The code performs various operations related to LCA, including building and modifying LCA models, adding uncertainties, calculating LCA scores, performing Monte Carlo analysis, visualizing results, and conducting statistical tests.

* Add Uncertainties to Model Exchanges

The code block defines a function named add_uncertainties that adds uncertainties to the exchanges in a given model's database. The function takes three parameters: model, dist_id, and scale_percent.

The function performs the following steps:

  • Loads the database for the specified model using the bw2data package.
  • Iterates over each node (activity) in the database.
  • Within the nested loop, iterates over each exchange of the current node.
  • Sets the uncertainty type of the exchange to the provided dist_id.
  • Calculates the loc (location parameter) of the uncertainty based on the exchange's amount.
  • Calculates the scale (scale parameter) of the uncertainty based on the exchange's amount and the provided scale_percent.
  • Checks the dist_id to determine the distribution type and adjusts the loc and scale accordingly.
  • Sets the negative attribute of the exchange to indicate if the amount is negative or not.
  • Checks if the amount is zero and adjusts the uncertainty type and loc accordingly.
  • Saves the changes made to the exchange.

* STATS_ARRAYS Distribution IDs

The code block includes a comment listing the distribution IDs used in the add_uncertainties function. These IDs correspond to different probability distributions available in the stats_arrays package for uncertainty analysis.

The distribution IDs and their corresponding distributions are as follows:

  • 0: UndefinedUncertainty
  • 1: NoUncertainty
  • 2: LognormalUncertainty
  • 3: NormalUncertainty
  • 4: UniformUncertainty
  • 5: TriangularUncertainty
  • 6: BernoulliUncertainty
  • 7: DiscreteUniform
  • 8: WeibullUncertainty
  • 9: GammaUncertainty
  • 10: BetaUncertainty
  • 11: GeneralizedExtremeValueUncertainty
  • 12: StudentsTUncertainty

* Define custom function to convert the dataframe into a set of dictionaries

This code block defines a custom function named lci_to_bw2 that converts a pandas DataFrame into a set of dictionaries suitable for the bw2io package to create a life cycle inventory database in Brightway2.

The function takes a DataFrame (db_df) as input and performs the following steps:

  • Extracts the activity and exchange keys from the DataFrame columns.
  • Defines three nested functions: exc_to_dict, act_to_dict, and bio_to_dict.
    • exc_to_dict converts exchange data from the DataFrame into a dictionary format and appends it to a given list (some_list).
    • act_to_dict converts activity data from the DataFrame into a dictionary format.
    • bio_to_dict converts biosphere data from the DataFrame into a dictionary format.
  • Initializes empty lists (db_keys and db_values) to store the keys and values of the final database.
  • Iterates over unique activity codes in the DataFrame:
    • Selects rows corresponding to the current activity.
    • Extracts the necessary data and calls the appropriate nested function (act_to_dict or bio_to_dict) based on the activity type.
    • Appends the resulting dictionary to db_values.
  • Combines the keys and values into a final dictionary (bw2_db).
  • Returns the final dictionary.

* Write database function

This code block defines a function named write_database that writes a life cycle inventory database for a given model.

The function takes a model name as input and performs the following steps:

  • Reads the data from an Excel file corresponding to the model.
  • Calls the lci_to_bw2 function to convert the data into a dictionary format suitable for the bw2io package.
  • Deletes the existing database if it already exists.
  • Writes the new database to the project using the bw2io package.
  • Returns the loaded database as a dictionary (fg_dict).

* Inspect the database function

This code block defines a function named inspect_db that inspects the contents of the life cycle inventory database for a given model.

The function takes a model name as input and performs the following steps:

  • Retrieves the database for the model.
  • Iterates over each activity in the database.
  • Prints information about each activity, including its name, unit, code, and exchanges (technosphere and biosphere).

* Export the database function

This code block defines a function named export_db that exports the life cycle inventory database for a given model to an Excel file.

The function takes a model name as input and performs the following steps:

  • Defines the name of the database (db) based on the model name.
  • Uses the bw2io package to write the database to an Excel file in the specified directory.

* Extract Nodes and Edges from Model

The code block defines a function named extract_nodes_edges that takes a model as input and extracts the nodes and edges from the specified model's database. The function performs the following steps:

  • Imports the required packages: bw2data as bd for accessing life cycle inventory databases.
  • Sets the database name based on the input model.
  • Loads the project and defines the databases using the bw2data package.
  • Initializes empty lists to store the edges and nodes.
  • Iterates over each activity (act) in the database.
  • Within the nested loop, iterates over each exchange (ex) of the current activity.
  • Extracts the necessary information from the exchange and input/output nodes.
  • Creates an edge dictionary with attributes such as input name, output name, amount, unit, type, database input, database output, and PFD weight.
  • Appends the edge dictionary to the edges list.
  • After the nested loop, iterates over each edge in the edges list.
  • Creates a node dictionary with attributes such as name, database, and type.
  • Checks if the node dictionary is already in the nodes list to avoid duplicates.
  • If the node is not already in the nodes list, appends the node dictionary to the nodes list.
  • Returns the nodes, edges, and model variables.

* Write Process Diagram

The code block defines a function named write_process_diagram that takes nodes, edges, model, and scenario_name as inputs and generates a process diagram using the graphviz package. The function performs the following steps:

  • Imports the required packages: graphviz as gv for creating the graph object and numpy as np for numerical operations.
  • Initializes a None value for the graph object.
  • Creates a new Digraph object with the specified filename, engine, format, and graph attributes.
  • Defines a cluster for the background flows using the subgraph method.
  • Iterates over each node in the nodes list.
  • Checks if the node's database is 'con391' (technosphere flows).
  • Adds the node to the background cluster with specific attributes such as font name, fill color, label, shape, style, and font color.
  • Defines another cluster for the foreground flows using the subgraph method.
  • Sets attributes for the foreground cluster such as label, margin, label location, font size, font name, style, font color, fill color, alpha, shape, and rank.
  • Iterates over each node in the nodes list again.
  • Checks if the node's database name contains 'fg' (foreground flows).
  • Adds the node to the foreground cluster with specific attributes such as label, shape, style, font name, font color, alpha, and fill color.
  • Further customizes certain nodes based on their name.
  • Defines a cluster for the biosphere flows using the subgraph method.
  • Iterates over each node in the nodes list again.
  • Checks if the node's database is 'biosphere3'.
  • Adds the node to the biosphere cluster with specific attributes such as fill color, label, shape, style, and font color.
  • Iterates over each edge in the edges list.
  • Checks the database input of the edge.
  • If the database input is 'biosphere3', sets the direction of the edge to 'back' and sets attributes such as ...

The following code performs a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) calculation. It imports necessary packages, sets the project, defines functions for LCA reporting, LCA scores, and Monte Carlo LCA scores. Here's a breakdown of the code:

* Importing Packages

  • bw2data: Importing the package as bd
  • bw2calc: Importing the package as bc
  • seaborn: Importing the package as sb
  • bw2analyzer: Importing the package as ba
  • ContributionAnalysis: Importing the class as ca
  • bw_processing: Importing the package as bwp
  • matrix_utils: Importing the package as mu
  • numpy: Importing the package as np
  • pandas: Importing the package as pd
  • os
  • uncertainty_choices from stats_arrays

* Set the Project

The code sets the current project as 'cLCA-aalborg' and creates a 'results' directory if it doesn't exist.

* Function: get_LCA_report(model, scenario_name)

This function generates an LCA report for the given model and scenario. Here are the main steps:

  1. Get the necessary data from the database and define the functional unit (FU).
  2. Define the LCA method.
  3. Perform LCA calculations using bc.LCA with the specified demand, method, and distributions settings.
  4. Generate various reports:
    • recursive_calculation: Writes a recursive calculation report to a CSV file.
    • recursive_supply_chain: Writes a recursive supply chain report to a CSV file.
    • top_emissions: Writes a report of top emissions to a CSV file.
    • top_processes: Writes a report of top processes to a CSV file.
  5. Print the LCA score and write the results to a file.

* Function: get_LCA_scores(model, scenario_name)

This function calculates LCA scores for the given model and scenario. Here are the main steps:

  1. Get the necessary data from the database and define the functional unit (FU).
  2. Search for the exchanges of the functional unit and print them.
  3. Define the LCA method.
  4. Perform LCA calculations using bc.LCA with the specified demand, method, and distributions settings.
  5. Print the LCA score and write the results to a file.

* Function: get_MCLCA_scores(model, single_score, iterations, mc_type, scenario_name)

This function performs Monte Carlo LCA calculations for the given model, single score, iterations, Monte Carlo type, and scenario. Here are the main steps:

  1. Get the necessary data from the database and define the functional unit (FU).
  2. Define the LCA method.
  3. Perform LCA calculations using bc.LCA with the specified demand, method, and distributions settings.
  4. Perform Monte Carlo simulations and store the results in a DataFrame.
  5. Plot a scatter plot of Monte Carlo results and save it as an image.
  6. Print the Monte Carlo LCA score statistics and write the results to a file.

The code also appends the Monte Carlo results to a CSV file.

* Importing Packages

The code imports the following packages:

  • pandas as pd: Used for data manipulation and analysis.
  • seaborn as sns: Used for data visualization.
  • matplotlib.pyplot as plt: Used for creating plots.
  • matplotlib.patheffects: Used for adding effects to text in the plot.
  • uncertainty_choices from stats_arrays: Used for defining uncertainty types.
  • os: Used for working with file paths and directories.
  • palettable.wesanderson as wa: Used for setting the color palette.

* Function: plot_MC_results(mc_type, scenario_name)

This function reads the Monte Carlo results from a CSV file, plots the distributions, performs statistical tests, and saves the plot. Here are the main steps:

  1. Read the CSV file into a DataFrame using the provided mc_type and scenario_name parameters.
  2. Extract the uncertainty type from the CSV file name.
  3. Set the color palette using the wa.GrandBudapest4_5 palette.
  4. Create a figure and axis for the plot.
  5. Iterate over the columns in the DataFrame and create a histogram with density curve for each column.
  6. Calculate the mean, standard deviation, minimum, and maximum for each column and annotate the plot with these statistics.
  7. Perform statistical tests (Welch's t-test, Mann-Whitney U test, and Kolmogorov-Smirnov test) between the distributions.
  8. Add legends, labels, and title to the plot.
  9. Save the plot as an SVG image and close the plot.
  10. Return the DataFrame containing the Monte Carlo results.


This repository contains the code for the cLCA group project at Aalborg University.

The course files are in the folder 'moodle'

Setup for VSCode, GitHub CLI, Python, and pip:

GitHub CLI, Repository, VSCode and Python Virtual Environment with pip

This guide provides instructions for:

  • installing GitHub CLI
  • logging into GitHub via the terminal
  • creating a directory for GitHub repositories
  • cloning a specific repository
  • setting up a virtual environment
  • installing dependencies using pip
  • installing additional modules
  • and integrating with Visual Studio Code (VSCode)

Install GitHub CLI and clone the repository


sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-key C99B11DEB97541F0
sudo apt-add-repository
sudo apt update
sudo apt install gh

MacOS or...

brew install gh


Login to github

gh auth login

Create a directory for GitHub repositories

mkdir cd

Clone this repository

gh repo clone cd cLCA-Aalborg

Create a virtual environment

python3 -m venv cLCA-Aalborg

Activate the venv


source cLCA-Aalborg/bin/activate Windows cLCA-Aalborg\Scripts\activate

Install dependencies

pip install -c cmutel -r requirements.txt

Install additional modules

pip install

List installed modules

pip list

Deactivate the venv (if you want to leave the venv)


Integrate with VSCode

First install vscode

To configure Visual Studio Code (VSCode) to recognize and use virtual environments, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open VSCode.

  2. Open the command palette by pressing Ctrl + Shift + P (Windows/Linux) or Cmd + Shift + P (macOS).

  3. Type "Python: Select Interpreter" in the command palette and select it. This command allows you to choose the Python interpreter for your project.

  4. If you already have a virtual environment created, you should see it listed in the dropdown menu along with other Python interpreters. Select the desired virtual environment from the list.

  5. If you don't have a virtual environment created or the desired one is not listed, choose the "Enter interpreter path" option.

  6. In the text box, enter the path to the Python interpreter within your virtual environment. This path will typically be in the venv or env folder within your project directory. For example, it might look like:

    Windows: <path\to\myenv>\Scripts\python.exe macOS/Linux: <path/to/myenv>/bin/python After entering the interpreter path, VSCode will use that virtual environment for the current workspace.

Now, when you work on a project within that workspace, VSCode will automatically use the specified virtual environment. You can verify this by opening a terminal within VSCode (Ctrl + backtick ```) and running python --version or pip list to see that the packages installed in the virtual environment are being used.


If you want to change something in the code, you can do that in vs code, then commit the changes and push them to the repository.


Consequential Life Cycle Assessment Course at Aalborg University, May 2023




