Instructions for customizing Azure Windows Virtual Desktop to your environment, utilizing Azure Blueprints
Azure Blueprints provide a structured approach to standing up new environments, while adhering to environment requirements. Microsoft has created a set of Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) Blueprint objects that help automate the creation of an entire environment, ready to run.
Azure Blueprints utilize "artifacts", such as:
- Role Assignments
- Policy Assignments
- Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates
- Resource Groups
The WVD Blueprints are meant to deploy an entire environment, including Azure Active Directory Domain Services (AAD DS), a management virtual machine (VM), networking, WVD infrastructure, and related resources, in a turn-key fashion. The following is a guide to help accomplish customizing to your environment.
- [Azure Blueprints] (
- [Windows Virtual Desktop] (
An Azure Global Administrator account
An Azure Global administrator account is required to successfully assign (deploy) the Azure WVD Blueprints. -
An Azure Managed Identity
The Azure Managed Identity exists within Azure and can securely store and retrieve credentials from Azure Key Vault during the deployment. There are two types of Azure Managed Identies: 'System Assigned' and 'User Assigned'. For the purpose of this WVD Blueprint, the type 'User Assigned Managed Identity' will be utilized. The instructions for creating a managed identity are here: Create a user-assigned managed identityNOTE: In the case of “greenfield” deployments, the level of assignment will need to be the Azure subscription. The WVD Blueprint, by default, creates objects at the subscription level during the blueprint deployment such as Azure AD DS.
Security configuration in the environment for a Blueprint Operator
The management of Blueprint definitions and Blueprint assignments are two different roles, thus the need for two different identities. A blueprint definition can use either system-assigned or user-assigned managed identities. However, when using the Blueprint Operator role, the blueprint definition needs to be configured to use a user-assigned managed identity. Additionally, the account or security group being granted the Blueprint Operator role needs to be granted the Managed Identity Operator role on the user-assigned managed identity. Without this permission, blueprint assignments fail because of lack of permissions.The high-level configuration steps are as follows (documentation here):
- Create an Azure security group (example: ‘Blueprint Operators’)
- At the subscription level, assign roles to the group previously created, by going to the following location in the Azure Portal
Azure Portal -> Home -> Subscriptions -> (your subscription) -> Access Control (IAM)
Assign permissions to the group, to allow members to create objects at the subscription level:
When correctly configured, the Role assignments for your Azure AD group, should look like this:
An Azure subscription with sufficient credits to deploy the environment, and keep it running at the desired levels
Azure Blueprint resource provider registered to your subscription through Azure PowerShell with this PowerShell command:
Register-AzResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.Blueprint
You should receive this output from the Register-AzResourceProvider command:
RegistrationState : Registering ResourceTypes : {blueprints, blueprints/artifacts, blueprints/versions, blueprints/versions/artifacts…} Locations : {}
Azure Active Directory provider registered to your subscription (if not already registered):
Check the current provider registration status in your subscription:Get-AzResourceProvider -ListAvailable | Select-Object ProviderNamespace, RegistrationState
If necessary, register the Azure AD resource provider:
Register-AzResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.AAD
Domain Controller Services service principal (if it does not already exist), with this PowerShell command
New-AzureADServicePrincipal -AppId "2565bd9d-da50-47d4-8b85-4c97f669dc36"
Managed identity assigned the Owner role at the subscription level
The reason is that the managed identity needs full access during the deployment, for example to initiate the creation of an instance of Azure AD DS. -
The account used to assign the Blueprint, granted "User Access Administrator" at the subscription level
The account used to manage the subscription and later assign the Blueprint, should be assigned the "User Access Administrator". During Blueprint assignment users are going to be created and assigned to a WVD group. The "User Access Administrator" permission ensures the requisite permission in Azure AD to perform this function.MORE INFO: Assign a user as an administrator of an Azure subscription
The Blueprint main file, and related artifact objects
These objects are publicly available on Once the Blueprint objects have been acquired, they need to be customized to each respective environment. The necessary customizations can be applied in a few different ways.
Type | Object | Purpose |
Assignment file | assign_default.json | Hard-code and pass to the Blueprint, the environment specific items such as subscription, UserAssignedIdentity, etc. |
Blueprint file | Blueprint.json | The is the central file of an Azure Blueprint definition |
Artifact | adds.json | directs the creation of Azure Active Directory Domain Services resources |
Artifact | addsDAUser.json | directs the creation of domain administrator account |
Artifact | DNSsharedsvcs.json | directs the creation of domain name services (DNS) resources |
Artifact | keyvault.json | directs the creation of Azure Key Vault resources, used to store and retrieve credentials used at various points during the Blueprint assignment |
Artifact | log-analytics.json | Sets up logging of various components to Azure storage |
Artifact | MGMTVM.json | Sets up logging of various components to Azure storage |
Artifact | net.json | Sets up networking and various subnets |
Artifact | nsg.json | Sets up network security groups |
Artifact | wvdDeploy.json | Deploys WVD session hosts, created the WVD host pool and application group, and adds the session hosts to the application group |
Artifact | wvdTestUsers.json | Creates users in AAD DS, that are available to log in after the deployment is complete |
Blueprint parameters, located in blueprint.json, allow to configure the deployment and customize the environment.
The blueprint includes the following required parameters.
Parameter | Example Value | Purpose |
adds_domainName | | The domainname for the Azure ADDS domain that will be created |
script_executionUserResourceID | Resource ID Path | Resource ID for the Managed Identity that will execute embedded deployment scripts. |
script_executionUserObjectID | xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx | Object ID for the Managed Identity that will execute embedded deployment scripts. |
keyvault_ownerUserObjectID | xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx | Object ID of the user that will get access to the Key Vault. To retrieve this value go to Microsoft Azure Portal > Azure Active Directory > Users > (user) and copy the User’s Object ID. |
These optional parameters either have default values or, by default, do not have values. You can override them during the blueprint assigment process.
Parameter | Default Value | Purpose |
resourcePrefix | WVD | A text string prefixed to the begining of each resource name. |
adds_emailNotifications | [email protected] | An email account that will receive ADDS notifications |
_ScriptURI | | URI where Powershell scripts executed by the blueprint are located. |
log-analytics_service-tier | PerNode | Log Analytics Service tier: Free, Standalone, PerNode or PerGB2018. |
log-analytics_data-retention | 365 | Number of days data will be retained. |
nsg_logs-retention-in-days | 365 | Number of days nsg logs will be retained. |
vnet_vnet-address-prefix | | Address prefix of the vnet created by the WVD Blueprint. |
vnet_enable-ddos-protection | true | Determines whether or not DDoS Protection is enabled in the Virtual Network. |
vnet_sharedsvcs-subnet-address-prefix | | Shared services subnet address prefix. |
vnet_adds-subnet-address-prefix | | Subnet for Azure ADDS. |
vnet_logs-retention-in-days | 365 | Number of days vnet logs will be retained. |
keyvault_logs-retention-in-days | 365 | Number of days keyvault logs will be retained. |
daUser_AdminUser | domainadmin@{adds_domainName} | This account will be a member of AAD DC Administrators and Local Admin on deployed VMs. |
wvdHostpool_hostpoolname | {resourcePrefix}-wvd-hp | |
wvdHostpool_workspaceName | {resourcePrefix}-wvd-ws | |
wvdHostpool_hostpoolDescription | ||
wvdHostpool_vmNamePrefix | {resourcePrefix}vm | Prefix added to each WVD session host name. |
wvdHostpool_vmGalleryImageOffer | office-365 | |
wvdHostpool_vmGalleryImagePublisher | MicrosoftWindowsDesktop | |
wvdHostpool_vmGalleryImageSKU | 20h1-evd-o365pp | |
wvdHostpool_vmImageType | Gallery | |
wvdHostpool_vmDiskType | StandardSSD_LRS | |
wvdHostpool_vmUseManagedDisks | true | |
wvdHostpool_allApplicationGroupReferences | ||
wvdHostpool_vmImageVhdUri | (Required when vmImageType = CustomVHD) URI of the sysprepped image vhd file to be used to create the session host VMs. | |
wvdHostpool_vmCustomImageSourceId | (Required when vmImageType = CustomImage) Resource ID of the image. | |
wvdHostpool_networkSecurityGroupId | The resource id of an existing network security group. | |
wvdHostpool_personalDesktopAssignmentType | ||
wvdHostpool_customRdpProperty | Hostpool rdp properties. | |
wvdHostpool_deploymentId | ||
wvdHostpool_ouPath | ||
wvdUsers_userPrefix | user | Username prefix. A number will be added to the end of this value. |
wvdUsers_userCount | 10 | Total Number of WVD users to create. |
- Import the Blueprint -
- Publish the Blueprint -
- Assign the Blueprint -
NOTE: The following two sections are two methods available to assign the WVD Blueprint. You can select one or the other, you do not have to do both.
Azure hosts Azure Cloud Shell, an interactive shell environment that can be used through a web browser.
You can use either Bash or PowerShell with Cloud Shell to work with Azure services.
You can use the Cloud Shell preinstalled commands to import and assign the WVD Blueprint without having to install anything on your local environment.
There are several ways to get started with Azure Cloud Shell:
Start Azure CloudShell:
Direct link: Open a browser to
Azure portal: Select the Cloud Shell icon on the Azure portal:
Start PowerShell in Azure CloudShell (more information here)
Run the following command to clone the Azure WVDBlueprint repository to CloudDrive.
git clone $HOME/clouddrive/WVDBlueprint
TIP: Run
dir $HOME/clouddrive
to verify the repository was successfully cloned to your CloudDrive -
Run the following commands to import the required PowerShell modules needed to import the blueprint (if not previously installed)
Install-Module -Name Az.Blueprint Import-Module Az.Blueprint
Run the following command to import the WVD Blueprint definition, and save it within the specified subscription or management group.
Import-AzBlueprintWithArtifact -Name "YourBlueprintName" -SubscriptionId "00000000-1111-0000-1111-000000000000" -InputPath "$HOME/clouddrive/WVDBlueprint/blueprint"
NOTE: The '-InputPath' argument must point to the folder where blueprint.json file is placed.
From the Azure Portal, browse to Azure Blueprint service tab and select "Blueprint definitions".
You can review newly imported Blueprint definitions and follow instructions to edit, publish and assign blueprint. (More information)
You can manage the WVD Blueprint using a device that has a small amount of local storage available.
Click or tap the down arrow on the green button called 'Code', then tap or click the option 'Download Zip'.
Once the .zip file is downloaded to your local device, you can expand the contents to any location of your choosing, by double-clicking the downloaded .zip file, and then copying the main folder within the zip to any location, such as 'C:\WVDBlueprint-main'.
The next step is to import the Blueprint to your Azure subscription. These are the high-level steps to import the Blueprint:
- Start PowerShell.
- Run the following PowerShell commands to import the required modules needed to import the blueprint (if not previously installed)
Install-Module -Name Az.Blueprint Import-Module Az.Blueprint
NOTE: Installing the PowerShell 'Az' modules does not include the Az.Blueprint modules. If you have installed the 'Az' modules, you will still need to install the Az.Blueprint modules.
Authenticate to your subscription by using the following PowerShell command
Run the following command to import the Blueprint to your Azure subscription:
Import-AzBlueprintWithArtifact -Name "YourBlueprintName" -SubscriptionId "00000000-1111-0000-1111-000000000000" -InputPath 'C:\WVDBlueprint-main\Blueprint'
From the Azure Portal, browse to Azure Blueprint service tab and select "Blueprint definitions".
You can review newly imported Blueprint definitions and follow instructions to edit, publish and assign blueprint. (More information)
If an environment built by this blueprint is no longer needed, a script is provided in the Resources folder that will export logs found in a WVD Blueprint deployment's Log Analytics Workspace to a csv file stored in the directory specified at runtime.
The script finds and removes the following items that were previously deployed via WVD Blueprint:
- All SessionHosts and HostPools in a ResourceGroup based on resource prefix
- All users discovered in 'WVD Users' group
- 'WVD Users' group itself
- 'AAD DC Admins' group
Use of -verbose
, -whatif
or -comfirm
ARE supported. Also, the script will create one Powershell Job for each Resource Group being removed. Teardowns typically take quite some time, so this will allow you to return to prompt and keep working while the job runs in the background.
#Exports logs of a WVD Blueprint deployment that used the prefix "ABC" followed by a removal:
.\Remove-AzWvdBpDeployment.ps1 -Verbose -Prefix "ABC" -LogPath "C:\projects"
#Use help for more details or examples:
help .\Remove-AzWvdBpDeployment.ps1
About the Group Policy settings that are applied to the WVD session host computers, during the Blueprint deployment. There are two sections of Group Policy settings applied to the WVD session hosts:
- FSLogix settings
- "RDP session host lockdown" settings
The FSLogix are there to enable the FSLogix profile management solution. During Blueprint deployment, some of the parameters are evaluated and used to create a variable for the FSLogix profile share UNC, as it exits in this particular deployment. That value is then written to a new GPO that is created just prior to the share UNC enumeration, and is only applied to an OU object, also created prior to the share UNC enumeration.
With respect to the "RDP session host lockdown" settings, those are set by default, based on various security recommendations, made by Microsoft and others. The "RDP session host lockdown settings are all set in a script file called 'Create-AzAADDSJoinedFileshare.ps1'. There is one setting that is not available in that file, which is a Group Policy start script entry, for a script that is downloaded and run by each WVD session host, on their next Startup after they have received and applied their new group policy. Here is the workflow of the chain of events that lead up to the session hosts becoming fully functional.
- WVD Session Hosts are created, and joined to the AAD DS domain. This happens in the artifact "WVDDeploy.json".
- Later the "management VM" is created, and joined to the domain. This domain join triggers a reboot, and the JoinDomain extension waits for the machine to reboot and check in before the "MGMTVM" artifact continues.
- After the management VM reboots, the next section of "MGMTVM" artifact initiates running a custom script, which is downloaded from Azure storage, to the management VM.
- The Managment VM runs the 'Create-AzAADDSJoinedFileshare.ps1' script, which has two sections: 1) Create storage for FSLogix, 2) Run the domain management code
- The domain management code does the following for the session hosts:
- Creates a new GPO called "WVD Session Host policy"
- Creates a new OU called "WVD Computers"
- Links the WVD GPO to the WVD OU
- Restores a previous GP export, which imports a Startup script, and also copies that Startup script to the current location in SYSVOl policies
- Moves only the WVD session host computer objects to the new WVD OU
- Invokes a command to each VM in the WVD OU, to immediately refresh Group Policy
- Invokes a command to each VM in the WVD OU, to reboot with a 5 second delay, so that the VMs can run the FSLogix startup script, which installs the FSLogix software.
Now for the tip. If there is a particular setting that you do not want to apply, you could download a copy of the script 'Create-AzAADDSJoinedFileshare.ps1'. Then you can customize the script file by editing out the line that applies a particular group policy setting that you may not want to apply to the WVD sessions host. An example will be listed just below.
So that the WVD session hosts can be customized to your environment, you would then create an Azure storage container, set to anonymous access, then upload your script to that location.
Lastly, you would edit the Blueprint artifact file "MGMTVM", currently line 413. But that section looks like this:
"properties": {
"publisher": "Microsoft.Compute",
"type": "CustomScriptExtension",
"typeHandlerVersion": "1.7",
"autoUpgradeMinorVersion": true,
"settings": {
"fileUris": [
You would edit the value inside the quotes, to point to your specific storage location. For example, you might change yours to something like this:
"fileUris": [
Lastly, you would edit the script 'Create-AzAADDSJoinedFileshare.ps1' to remove the setting you are interested in. Here are the settings details:
Set-GPRegistryValue -Name "WVD Session Host Policy" -Key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Terminal Services" -Type DWORD -ValueName "fDisableAudioCapture" -Value 1
Set-GPRegistryValue -Name "WVD Session Host Policy" -Key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Terminal Services" -Type DWORD -ValueName "fDisableCameraRedir" -Value 1
Set-GPRegistryValue -Name "WVD Session Host Policy" -Key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Terminal Services" -Type DWORD -ValueName "fDisableCcm" -Value 1
Set-GPRegistryValue -Name "WVD Session Host Policy" -Key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Terminal Services" -Type DWORD -ValueName "fDisableCdm" -Value 1
Set-GPRegistryValue -Name "WVD Session Host Policy" -Key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Terminal Services" -Type DWORD -ValueName "fDisableClip" -Value 1
Set-GPRegistryValue -Name "WVD Session Host Policy" -Key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Terminal Services" -Type DWORD -ValueName "fDisableLPT" -Value 1
Set-GPRegistryValue -Name "WVD Session Host Policy" -Key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Terminal Services" -Type DWORD -ValueName "fDisablePNPRedir" -Value 1
Set-GPRegistryValue -Name "WVD Session Host Policy" -Key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Terminal Services" -Type DWORD -ValueName "fEnableTimeZoneRedirection" -Value 1
The group policy settings come from Microsoft documentation: Group Policy Settings Reference Spreadsheet for Windows 10 ....
Visual Studio Code is a Microsoft provided suite available for editing, importing, and assigning the Blueprints. If using VS Code, the following extensions will greatly assist the efforts:|
- Azure Resource Manager Tools
- XML Formatter
- PowerShell extension (so that all work can be performed within one tool)
There may be other extensions available that perform the same functionality
To store scripts and any other objects needed during Blueprint assignment on Internet connected assigments, a publically web location can be used to store scripts and other objects needed during Blueprint assigment.
Azure Storage Blob is one possible method to make the scripts and other objects available. Whatever method chosed, the access method should be "public" and "anonymous" read-only access. -
If you need to delete a deployment with the intent of starting over with a new deployment, you will need to change the "Deployment Prefix" value in the "assign_default.json" file. This file is used to prefix most of the Azure resources created during the deployment, including an Key Vault object. Azure Key Vault is used to store and retrieve cryptogrphic keys used by cloud apps and services, and as such is treated with great care in Azure. When an Azure Key Vault is deleted, it transitions to a "soft delete" state for a period of time, before actually being deleted. While an Azure Key Vault is in soft delete state, another key vault cannot be created with the same name. Therefore, if you do not change your Resource Prefix value for subsequent deployments, the subsequent deployments will fail with an error referencing Key Vault name.
Create a Resource Group for your Blueprint resources During the Blueprint deployment process, you will be creating some resources that you may want to retain after the blueprint has been deployed. Depending on various factors, you may create a managed identity, a storage blob, etc. To that end, you could create a resource group, and in that resource group you only create items that are related to your Blueprint work. Another reason for this is that you can build and deconstruct a Blueprint, over and over, yet retain some of the core objects necessary, which will save time and effort.
Example: WVDBlueprint-RG
Development and/or Production environments can be used to work with the Blueprint code Development environments are well suited to streamlining workflows such as “import” and “assign” the Blueprints. PowerShell or CloudShell can be utilized for various tasks. If using PowerShell, you may need to import the Az.Blueprint module for PowerShell.
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