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EazyTime App eazytime-logo

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Simple time tracking app for Android in Kotlin.

Table of Contents

What is it?
Getting Started

What is it?

Android-App to detect when I arrived or left the office with help of geofences. In addition, I can manage my working hours manually and assign different projects. The app allows me to view my working hours of the past few days.

Project View

Add your projects to book working time on them.


For each project you can define a name, shortcode and set if it should be displayed on the widget. Up to five projects can be displayed on the widget and as well on a LockScreenNotification. With the LockScreenNotification you can start/stop bookings even without unlocking your device. You have the possibility to set one default project, which will be triggered on entering a geofence.


Calendar View

Simple overview of your bookings. Shows days with a total of booked time:


And a detail view per day with the booked time slots per project.


Geofence View

Allows you to add geofences for your working areas. As soon you enter a active geofence, your default project is triggered. If there's already a running project nothing happens. Leaving a geofence ends the booking on the current running project.



Project is migrated to AndroidX. Find more information about AndroidX here.

  • Android SDK v28 (min v21)
  • Kotlin 1.3.21
  • Dagger 2.20
  • Lifecycle 2.2.0
  • Room 2.0.0
  • Coroutines 1.1.1

Getting Started

The app is not released yet, so you have to build a debug apk. Download the app by cloning this repository and use the gradlew installDebug command to build and install the project directly on your connected device or running emulator.

GoogleMap and Places API

The app uses Google Maps and Places API for the geofence-feature. If you want to use this feature, you need to get your own API-Key from Google Cloud Platforms. Make sure to register your API key for Maps SDK for Android and Places API.

Add the key to the resource-file google_api.xml by replacing YOUR_API_KEY with the value of your API key.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <string name="google_api_key" translatable="false" templateMergeStrategy="preserve">

Connect your device

Follow these steps to connect your device:

  1. Connect your device by USB
  2. Enable 'Developer options > USB debugging' on your device (Developer options is hidden by default. To make it available, go to 'Settings > About phone' and tap 'Build number' seven times)
  3. Now you should see your device with adb device -l (if not use adb usb to activate usb-connection)

optional connection by wifi

  1. Activate Wifi-Connection
  2. adb tcpip 5555
  3. adb connect <XXX.XXX.X.XXX>:5555 > add the ip-adress of your device ('Settings > About phone > Status')
  4. Enjoy