This project enables the download of historical pipeline execution data of GitHub workflows via the GitHub API. Additionally, workflow files can be downloaded. It also includes the aggregation of various metrics from the historical pipeline execution data. This readme will describe how to use the project.
If used without the StalkCD-Cockpit project the functionality can be accessed with the CLI.
In the directory of this repository, run the following command:
npm install
Now, compile the TypeScript code to JavaScript.
Or, if you have installed typescript globally (npm -g i typescript
), just run:
Execute the commands in the stalk-cd.ts file by using
./stalkcd command -option value
One centerpiece of this project is the download using
./stalkcd download-ghafiles-and-logs -o "repoOwner" -n "repoName" -w "workflowName" -t "GitHub-Token" -d "depth" -s "savetype" -p "pages"
The variable explanations can be found in the stalk-cd.ts file. Downloading the data this way will store the data in folders, subfolders and files.
Another centerpiece is the aggregation of KPIs using
./stalkcd get-kpis -n "repoName" -w "workflowName" -l "load"
The variable explanations can be found in the stalk-cd.ts file.
Pulling the StalkCD-Cockpit project from here enables the use of MongoDB, the running of the functionality in Docker and the use of the functionality via a user interface. This project and the StalkCD-Cockpit project have to be in the same folder on the hard drive.
Afterward, there are two viable possibilities to use the functionality. The docker-compose in the StalkCD-Cockpit project can be used to create all images and the containers can be started according to the use case.
Starting the Container with the MongoDB the functionality can be accessed via the CLI, but with the MongoDB running the data can be stored there. For the download the "savetype" = "db" and for the kpis the "load"="db" can be used.
Running the cockpit, this project and MongoDB in containers, enables the use of this project from the user interface. The user interface can be found under its respective path in a web browser.
The interfaces are described in the /public/swagger.json file. If the file is not available it can be generated by using the
tsoa spec
command in the CLI. The download and the characteristics can be accessed by POST request containing the necessary parameters in its body. The parameters can also be found in the swagger.json or in the respective controller file. In order to access the functionality via the API the server has to be started. This can be done locally with
node dist/index.js
npm start
It can also be accessed in when hosted in a Docker container, both from the outside or from within a Docker network.