This project provisions my development environment on either Windows or Mac machines. It uses chezmoi to install applications and copy dotfiles to their respective locations. This setup also allows me to use my Yubikey.
- bitwarden-cli
- flux
- gh
- kubectl
- go-task
- nvm
- pyenv
- starship
- terraform
- velero
- Firefox Developer Edition
- Chrome
- Visual Studio Code Insiders
- Postman
- Yubikey Manager
- 7Zip
- Notion
- Obsidian
- Powershell
- Bash
- Zsh
- Git
- Write documentation on GPG, Git, and SSH configuration
- Write documentation for Yubikey, Git templates and git-conventional-commits
- Write documentation on scripts
- Save VSCode configuration
- Create dotfile for iTerm
- research how to create aliases
- test setup with WSL