Button Press Handling Library
- Works with normal opened and closed buttons with pull-down and pull-up connection
- Has own debounce that can be configured and deactivated
- Pressing, multiclicking (up to 15 clicks), holding, releasing handling
- Works with callbacks
- Changing functions for reading button (for using faster analog, use it without Arduino library or using virtual button)
// button initialization
EMFButton btn (pin);
EMFButton btn (pin, pinmode);
EMFButton btn (pin, pinmode, normstate);
// reading button state
void tick(); // obligatory function(reading button state)
// button pressing usage
bool isPressed(); // returns true if button is pressed
bool isClicked(); // returns true if button is clicked
bool isReleased(); // returns true if button is released
bool isHeld(); // returns true if button is pressed in timeout
bool isHold(); // returns true if button is pressed after timeout
// basic multiclicking
bool hasSingle(); // returns true if button is clicked once
bool hasDouble(); // returns true if button is clicked twice
bool hasTriple(); // returns true if button is clicked three times
// advanced multiclicking and holding
uint8_t hasClicks(); // returns clicks after releasing for a long time
uint8_t hasClicksNow(); // returns clicks
uint8_t hasClicksWithHeld(); // returns clicks before pressing
uint8_t hasClicksWithHold(); // returns clicks before holding
// advanced holding
uint16_t holdInMillis(); // returns holding time after releasing (ms)
uint16_t holdingTime(); // returns pressing time (ms)
void attach(action, function); // attaching function for this action
void detach(action); // detaching function for this action
// use this if you don't use Arduino framework or if you use alternative of these functions
#define EMFB_SETUP_FUNC(pin, pinmode) pinMode(pin, (pinmode) ? INPUT : INPUT_PULLUP);
#define EMFB_READ_FUNC(pin, pinmode) digitalRead(pin) == (pinmode) ? HIGH : LOW
#define EMFB_MILLIS_FUNC millis()
// timers
#define EMFB_DEB_TIMER 50
#define EMFB_HOLD_TIMER 500
// aditional options