It is a cross platform (desktop and mobile) application framework for .NET which aims to close the gap between differently evolved systems by providing reliable real APIs for everyone.
Group | Interface | Members |
ApplicationModel | IAppInfo | BuildString, Name, PackageName, VersionString |
ApplicationModel | IBrowser | OpenAsync(uri) |
ApplicationModel | IEmail | IsComposeSupported, ComposeAsync(message) |
DataTransfer | IClipboard | GetTextAsync(), SetTextAsync(string) |
DataTransfer | IShare | RequestAsync(ShareTextReq / ShareFileReq / ShareMultipleFilesReq) |
Devices | IDeviceInfo | Manufacturer, Model, Name, VersionString |
Media | IMediaPicker | PickPhotoAsync(opts), PickVideoAsync(opts) |
Media | IScreenshot | CaptureAsync(), IsCaptureSupported |
Media | IScreenshotResult | CopyToAsync(Stream,int), Height, Width, OpenReadAsync(int) |
Storage | IFilePicker | PickAsync(opts), PickMultipleAsync(opts) |
Storage | IFileResult | FileName, FullPath, OpenReadAsync() |
Storage | IFileSystem | CacheDirectory, AppDataDirectory |
Storage | IPreferences | Clear, Set(key, value), Get(key, default), ContainsKey(key), Remove(key) |
Storage | ISecureStorage | GetAsync(string), Remove(string), RemoveAll(), SetAsync(string,string) |
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Marrow.XPlat is made available under the terms and conditions of the AGPL license.