I created this simulator to help me show how Gossip Protocols work in my talks, for example: https://2016.codemotion.es/agenda.html#5732408326356992/84654005is
When I started reading about Gossip I couldn't find a good introduction, there were thounsands of papers but I didn't a find a good and simple summary. So I created this one: In managementfromscratch.wordpress.com/2016/04/01/introduction-to-gossip/
After that I gave a talk at @PapersWeLoveMad --> https://twitter.com/PapersWeLoveMad/status/771399064718045185 that talk was complete theoretical and I realized it was toomuch info for one hour. That's why I came up with idea of a simulator to help understand how they work.
Go to https://flopezluis.github.io/gossip-simulator/
Copyright © 2016 Félix López Luis
Distributed under the MIT License