E091103 - Master thesis, Computer Science Engineering - Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, UGent
This repository contains all working files for my thesis, in which a drop-in replacement module for NumPy is made that allows for a transparent execution of procedures on the hardware of Xilinx FPGAs. The full thesis and presentation can be found in the docs
The hardware synthesis and bare metal software design is done on Windows 10 using:
Xilinx® Vitis HLS 2020.2
Xilinx® Vivado 2020.2
Xilinx® Vitis 2020.2
The ZyPy module is tested on Linux running on the PYNQ-Z2 board using:
Python 3.7
Numpy 1.20.2
docs // Contains corresponding thesis and presentation.
ip // Contains exported IP cores (Xilinx® Vitis HLS 2020.2).
unused // Contains unused files that may still be useful.
vitis // Contains bare metal Zynq applications (Xilinx® Vitis 2020.2).
vitis_hls // Contains IP core source (Xilinx® Vitis HLS 2020.2).
vivado // Contains hardware designs (Xilinx® Vivado 2020.2).
xsa // Contains the exported hardware designs (Xilinx® Vivado 2020.2).
zypy // Contains drop-in replacement module for NumPy.
- Gerbrand De Laender ([email protected])