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EngaLand Dapp

This repository hosts the decentralized application for EngaLand Protocol.
latest staging version is hosted here.
For more information about the protocol please visit the EngaLand Wiki.



Notable technologies used in this project consist of:

  • Svelte
    Base framework
  • Svelte-kit
    Bundler, preprocessor, and compiler extensions for Svelte
  • Ethers
    Ethereum client library, used for simpler interaction with the blockchain
  • ReactiveX
    Reactive programming library, used for having reactive logic components
  • IPFS
    IPFS client library, used for storing and retrieving files from the IPFS network
  • TailwindCSS
    CSS framework, used for styling the application


Directory structure

Basis of directory structure is formed by Svelte-kit

├── src/
│   ├── assets/
│   ├── contracts/
│   ├── lib/
│   │   ├── actions/
│   │   ├── classes/
│   │   ├── configs/
│   │   ├── contexts/
│   │   ├── helpers/
│   │   ├── observables/
│   │   ├── operators/
│   │   ├── providers/
│   │   ├── services/
│   │   ├── shared/
│   │   │   ├── assets/
│   │   │   ├── locales/
│   │   │   ├── styles/
│   │   │   └── ... {same as lib/}
│   │   ├── types/
│   │   └── utils/
│   └── routes/
├── static/
└── contracts/
  • src/: source code root
    • assets/: assets, containing icons, images, SVG, etc.
    • contracts/: contracts helpers
    • lib/: Svelte components
      • actions/: Svelte actions
      • classes/: class entities that don't fit in services
      • configs/: root for various configuration sources
      • contexts/: shared Svelte stores, RxJS subject instances used for sharing data between components, shared class instances and constants
      • helpers/: helpers for specific use cases, (not to be mixed with utils)
      • observables/: observables for specific data shared between components
      • operators/: RxJS operators mostly used as building blocks of observables
      • providers/: async factories for specific use cases (not to be confused with services)
      • services/: collection of focused functionalities packed into classes (not to be confused with classes)
      • shared/: submodule containing shared source code and assets between this repository and landing page repository
        • assets/: shared assets
        • locales/: localization files (more)
        • styles/: styles containing CSS and fonts
        • ... the rest is same as lib/ (no recursion!)
      • types/: types shared by any components
      • utils/: utility helpers that are used across a wide variety of components (not to be mixed with helpers)
    • routes/: Svelte-kit routes root
  • static/: files to be served statically and referred to by links instead of import statements
  • contracts/: root for contracts submodules

RxJS structure

All observables are marked with a $, and observable factories with $$ suffix.

Usage in svelte

the value of an observable can simply be accessed through the svelte $ syntax used for accessing svelte stores. this syntax works on any object with a subscribe method. the catch here is that all subscriptions are handled by svelte so that when a component unmounts all its subscriptions are automatically unsubscribed, preventing memory leaks in the application.
the $observable statement is evaluated as undefined on the first run if the respected observable has no sync emission or in case of being a ReplaySubject has not yet emitted a value.

Error handling

When needed, error handling is done at the source observable level. in this structure there are no intentionally uncaught errors passed down the streams, instead in worst case scenario the error is logged and a null value is passed down.
this approach is used to let all the subscriptions and derived streams running and cut the concern of handling resubscriptions at every level. also since a globally accessible toast notification emission control is available the source observable can show whatever that is needed to user directly.
undefined is also used a lot and it almost always indicates a loading status, so far since undefined is reserved for loading, a Symbol is used to determine empty content, the Sentinel symbol which always represents unset or empty value throughout the application.

Controlled values

Controlled value read/write situations are implemented as a read Observable and a so called "Control" Subject.
a control subject is a subject that accepts operations on the controlled entity such as set/unset a value, adding to a list, etc. but the catch is that the read observable might do any arbitrary operation on the control stream such as validations or transformations or timeout controls. obviously the read observable is derived directly from the control stream.


Since most of the data sources are observables, the transformations, validations, etc are implemented as OperatorFunctions for having more functional and reusable components. They have strict type definitions and they are mostly designed in a way to handle nil data (null for error, undefined for loading).

Project configuration



preinstall script is used to initialize submodules. it runs before yarn install or yarn command automatically.
A compatibility script is located for deploying on Vercel because the platform does not support pulling submodules using ssh.
if you're using the compatibility script you need to add GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable to your project. unless the respected repositories are made public in the future.


husky is used to manage git hooks.

  • pre-commit
    used to format and lint the staged changes using lint-staged.
  • pre-push
    used to run tests and run a build script to make sure the project is ready for production.


Main scripts used in this project:

  • build
    used to build the project for production. build process is targeted for Cloudflare Pages.
  • lint
    used to lint the project.
  • test
    used to run all the tests throughout the whole project.
  • dev
    used to run the project in development mode with HMR.
  • preview
    used to serve the built version locally.
  • format
    used to format all the files recursively using Prettier with the respected config located at the root of the project. Caution, this scripts overwrites all the files.


Svelte components


Every Svelte component has a @component description in the file.
followed by a list of events documented by @emits, if it emits any.
followed by a list of slots, documented by @slot if it accepts any.
slot documentations also include the props passed to them documented by @prop for each.
there is a separator (single @) between the mentioned sections above.

Component Props

  • by default the props will be coming from parent (optional or required) and will not be mutated by the component.
  • @default
    every default value assigned to a prop is documented with @default. (unless it's a neutral value, like undefined or an empty class list).
  • @readonly
    in case of a prop that is meant to be exported and never mutated by the parent component, it will be documented with @readonly.
  • @lends
    in case of an optional prop that can be passed from parent (and later mutated by it) but is mainly meant to be exported by the component, it will be documented with @lends.
  • @borrows
    in case of a required prop that must be passed from the parent but can be mutated by the component, it will be documented with @borrows.
  • Caution: in case of development always make sure logic is acting as expected when you're lending a prop that you borrowed from children.


Dapp for EngaLand






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